We often look for some sort of direction from signs when it comes to rules or guidelines. While many do this in a straightforward manner, here are some of the more witty and ironic signs out there…
As Long As There’s Bacon
For some, the most important thing out there is bacon, and this sign proves just that. Forget the poems, just come in because, after all, there is bacon. Even the sign behind is sticking to the topic at hand, and it is clear this restaurant is making their priorities clear.

Win-Win Situation
Everyone loves a bargain, but we all know nothing in life is free. That doesn’t mean we won’t jump at the first sign we see with the word “Free” spread across it and be intrigued with what’s on offer. This clever marketing technique would attract the money-saving individual, to which they will then see the sale proposal, and realize it was all a trick. There is some truth in a way – once you’ve paid the fee, you then have it for free… maybe.

Cats Are Crude
If you didn’t like cats before reading this sign, then it won’t enhance their chances of gaining your love afterward. I mean, how dare they not text back if they could, what did I do wrong? But seriously, the veterinary clinic being the ones who chose to write this sign under their own advertisement, is what is really questionable. Cats may be known to not be the friendliest of all creatures, but that is no reason for slating them to the public.

That’s What It’s All About
The Hokey Pokey is what it is all about – known among many as the popular novelty dance from the mid-1940’s in Britain and Ireland. The musical hit has been used for amusement on a sign, but the meaning behind it is unclear. Taking a twist on words and stating “I was addicted to the hokey pokey but I turned myself around” is a hilarious and ironic take on the famous tune, regardless if we don’t know what it is exactly advertising.

Do (Not) Come In
How many times have you gone to push a door to find out you have to pull? Or vice versa. As complicated as the task may be, this owner of a store was not making it any easier for his customers to know which way the door should open, but he did want to state that if neither worked, the shop is clearly closed. The problem of figuring it out when the store was closed was obviously becoming too problematic that the owner had to spell it out for customers.

Everyone loves a bargain. I mean, why wouldn’t you? Paying the price for one but getting two – brilliant! So this blackboard took that appealing sales ploy, only to state there was no actual offer. No doubt it would get an onlooker paying attention, and while many may be disappointed, they may also be credited for their wit and get the customers reeling in. After all, wherever they go and get two drinks from, they’re going to have to pay for them.

Born To Be Wild
Oh, the irony. Birds may not have the same reading abilities as humans, and for sure aren’t going to be reading signs anytime soon. But how great is it when a bird comes and sits on a no bird sign, giving no care in the world for rules and regulations. Perhaps the bird thought they saw something familiar since the shadow outline of the picture looks exactly like the rebellious bird that has come to ignore the no bird sign. Either way, he is having none of it.

Go Big Or Go Home
This bold, capitalized red message may be noticeable from afar, but it is definitely not the most welcoming. If you are still not convinced by the message and decide to come a little closer, you will spot the smaller sign with a more polite message of “smile you’re on camera.” So do we go home, or do we stay and smile for the camera? A lot of decisions to be made, but this is probably not the camera you want capturing your every move, anyhow.

Fine, Fine Me
Remember that feeling when your teacher told you that you don’t speak enough in class, but the moment you spoke you got in trouble? Well, this seems to create the same kind of complicated decision-making when a “STOP” sign is accompanied with a “no stopping at any time” sign. Which do you decide to listen to? The added irony to these signs is that it could cause many more accidents for being unclear as to what is to be done when getting to this point.

Walk The Walk
We’re in a technological era where anything and everything is publicized online for the world to see. At the same time, our social media addiction is also the result of many accidents since we’re so preoccupied with constantly looking down at our phones in times when we should be completely focused. This sign wants to highlight just that, warning walkers to take priority in looking when crossing the street, and then taking to Facebook to update their followers that they made it to the other side safely.

Sign Language
Sometimes signs add a bit of humor and wit to reel customers in. Then there are other signs which haven’t been given much thought, or even double checked, and are just put up with grammatical errors. This “Need Drit” sign became even more hilarious when others took to adding their own signs underneath. Wanting to get answers, these locals took to communicating with one another with individual signs in finding out what is ‘drit’ and highlighting the lack of punctuation, a majorly important factor.

Auto Humor
Everyone loves a good pun, so when an auto repair shop in Seattle was turned into an ExtraMile convenience store, they chose to give passerby’s something to laugh about when walking past. Since they were no longer allowed to use the sign for any store specials or service promotions, they chose to make the best of the situation, and what is better than making someone smile? This sign surely would do just that, and that became its new purpose.

Fields of Opportunities
While the hilarity in this sign isn’t totally obvious, once you see it, there’s a good chance that you won’t be able to forget it. Although ‘fields of opportunities’ isn’t an entirely incorrect statement, we have to admit that it’s a bit of an oxymoron.

It’s almost as if Iowa decided to mix two different sayings together — “a window of opportunity” and “field of dreams.” We’re sure that Iowa is a state full of opportunity but we still can’t help but giggle at its welcome sign.
Hey, Big Daddy
We don’t know about you guys but we’re a little confused (and amused) by this sign. First of all, who made it? Where is the sign located? Also, who even is “Big Daddy?” In all honesty, the only big daddy we can think of is Adam Sandler as Sonny Koufax in 1999’s Big Daddy.

Whatever the case may be, we have a feeling that this sign was purely made out of humor and humor alone — at least we hope so. Otherwise, the artist behind this sign is a straight-up cannibal.
Oh, the Struggle
Alright, people. Who else can relate to this sign? We all can understand the struggle of pushing through the week just to get to the weekend only for it to fly by, so you can start your week all over again. But, you know what they say — c’est la vie!

The best part about this sign, though, is the fact that it’s located at a public university in Toronto, Canada called Ryerson University. We think it goes without saying that every college or university student can relate to this sentiment.
Does Money Grow On Trees?
For a global movement that is working for women’s empowerment, leadership and rights in more than 120 countries in the world, you would probably expect the YWCA to make great marketing decisions in raising money. Although it may require a lot of effort, time and money being put in and made to achieve their goals, we would expect better than this sign. So it is unsure what the YWCA had in mind when writing this sign, and how they thought they would have any success.

Toot Your Own Horn
Blowing your horn is actually restricted to certain times of the day to avoid excessive noise, as well as excessive horn blowing from road rage. According to this sign, however, you are fully excused to blow your horn if you get angry while driving, as opposed to its actual purpose of alerting other drivers of potential danger. So imagine it – being pulled over for blowing your horn when you weren’t meant to but being excused because you were just having a moment of anger.

An Event Of Great Importance
Visiting different countries and cities is a cultural experience where you get to discover the history and landscapes that makes up such a place. Knowing the importance of this for tourists, many cities take to explaining the history behind historical sites with signs explaining the events that took place. Not this one, however. This town was so tired of seeing other towns and cities placing signs all over the place to explain the history and heritage that they made their own mockery of the situation.

Slippery Slope
If someone were to tell you there was depression ahead, you would probably be left quite baffled, or just avoid it at all costs. After all, depression is associated with feelings of sadness and hopelessness and is not a term used to describe as something good ahead. So we gather that the person in charge of this sign was not a native English speaker and something went wrong on their translation mission. The only other option is that it is, in fact, a depression in the road surface which drivers should be aware of. Yea, that makes the most sense.

Sharp Around The Edges
Sometimes you need to engage readers before giving them the real sign of warning. That is exactly what this sign aimed to achieve, by catching the readers attention with the bigger font and giving them something humorous, and then adding the important factor in small print below. So if you were hoping to get over the bridge, hopefully, the sign caught your eye, and you saw the small print. If not, we hope you at least realized there were no sharp edges to the sign!

You Have To Be Inventive
This sign takes a very clever approach to stopping anyone from touching the fence. We’ve all heard the classic lies. Like, don’t sit too close to the TV or your eyes will turn square, but this one is quite the gem. While non-drying paint is quite possibly an impossibility, it would also be a ridiculous creation should there be such a thing. However, would you be willing to risk your chance by touching it? I’m sure your child will never go near the fence with this sign, so we admire the creativity.

Important Announcement
This really leaves us questioning the purpose of the sign and why such a sign has been placed here in the first place. In fact, based on the picture itself, it has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to anything The only guess could be that another sign further ahead is no longer in use, and hopefully, that one holds more relevance for drivers going past. Nevertheless, whoever made this sign made sure it was not ignored, and their use of a red background makes it seem alarming to passersby.

Keeping It Real
This sign could have been made after a very long and tiring day where employees had just about enough. Or, maybe they were taking their boss’s demands quite literally, making them a great employee for listening and doing what they’re told. Either way, these FoodMart employees took it upon themselves to write this creative and funny sign, but now we just wonder what their boss made of it and if he thought it was as funny as anyone reading it would.

Funny Flavored Ice Cream
“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream,” is given an alternative twist by Rita’s Italian ice cream joint. The local manager decided to have a little joke with his customers, adding to the general happiness all his customers leave the ice cream shop feeling. Thinking a little outside the box, and adding some wit to the sign underneath the chain’s logo, the manager got his juices flowing and took a fitting quote into his own amusing creation.

A Cinderella Story
This sign is definitely on the look out for the ladies. If you’re thinking of parading the streets in your heels for a night out on the town, or for a night of dress up, know you have been warned of potential heel breakage. That’s right, this area is obviously prone to damaging shoes, and they are giving warning to anyone willing to risk the dangers of walking in their fancy heels. After all, this is some serious stuff, so this is most definitely an important sign.

A Word From The Wise
Should you ever be in a situation where you come face-to-face with a mountain lion, be sure to “be large” and “shout.” Sorry, what? Well, that is the great advice this sign is giving on the rare occasion you may face the dangerous species. To add to their little advice, make sure you keep children close, and pick them up “without bending.” I mean, if I was in this position I think I would just run, but I’ll be sure to keep this advice on board.

Zombie-Proof Method
Zombies are not something you want to mess with, and after seeing shows like The Walking Dead, all preparation is definitely necessary. This gas station knows it, and if you’re a fan of such a show, then you know it too. If you happen to be a zombie skeptic, however, you can at least appreciate the humor of such a sign and the way the gas station has chosen to be creative in getting you to choose them for your gas tank refills.

Ready, Steady, Kiss
The train platform is not just a place for catching a ride to your place of work or leisure activity, it’s also the place where many couples have to separate themselves before leaving one another, whether it be for the day or a long period of time. Cue the long kisses and goodbyes, which should not last longer than three minutes according to this sign. Perhaps there was too much PDA for people to handle, so the sign was put in place to keep this to a minimum?

All Good Under The Hood
Looking after wildlife could get pretty wild, and that is no different when visiting Table Mountain National Park. With the wildlife running around freely, you never know what they are going to do, or where they may end up. So this sign is a warning to visitors to check under their cars for any potential sighting of a penguin taking shelter. To ensure no driver mistakenly runs over the sweet creature after it was happening too often, this sign was hung to prevent any more accidents.

Prison Break
Picking up hitchhikers is always risky business. You never know what the person is like who is willing to give you a ride, nor do drivers know the type of person they could be picking up. In this instance, when giving instructions not to pick up hitchhikers from this junction, you are also given a clear reasoning as to why. Just above the sign states “Correctional facility area,” so the type of people trying to hitchhike are most likely going to be fugitives.

Better Safe Than Sorry
We all look to the police as a secure and protective force that when under their watchful eye, nothing can go wrong. So, when we see a sign saying the parking lot is under police surveillance, we think we’re safe. However, their authoritative status is completely undermined with the sign underneath letting the public know there is police surveillance. Warning people to not leave their valuables in their vehicles makes you think twice about how safe you are with even the police around.

Zookeepers Unleashed
Most zoos and safaris give a clear warning to visitors not to feed any of the animals. The reasoning behind this is for the sake of the animals and their wellbeing, unsure of what visitors may feed them or if it is at an appropriate time. This home of elephants took a different outlook on visitors feeding their animals and stated it ‘creates management problems.’ Many don’t even like the idea of an elephant being in an enclosed area and out of the wild, so management problems would be the least of their concerns!

Diet Restrictions
Animal activists are always looking out for the health and wellbeing of their furry friends. It is always the case that it is forbidden to feed any of the animals in a zoo, so this sign wanted to add some humor to further safety precautions that must take place in the presence of these animals. To ensure the visitor’s safety, they made a joke out of feeding the animals while protecting themselves from any possible risks or dangers during their visit.

Please Don’t Saw The Seat
Next time you choose to ride the subway, make sure you don’t have any plans of sawing the seats because that is strictly prohibited on the train carriage. These hilarious instructions spotted on the subway start off relatively normal stating no one must put their feet on the chairs. But as the list of pictures continues, the instructions become more obscure and even incomprehensible. Just go, sit and make it safely to your destination of choice without breaking any of the rules.

On Point
The government was trying to send out a clear message on many billboard signs found on various platforms. But their choice of wording didn’t go down too well with some, and they even got a response in the form of graffiti. The famous sign stating men’s stubbornness will result in them dying that year left one individual to make their own clear statement with “no we won’t.” Whether this individual was joking or just being stubborn, it was pretty funny.

Sticky Situation
If you are not one to fall victim to urinating in the pool, then you better not be in denial about it happening very often by others. This public pool wanted to try and put an end to this so made their own sign which left out the “P,” the exact intent they had for their pool. While you may think they have been absent-minded in their sign with their misspellings, their purposeful mistake was to make a point to customers using their facilities, ensuring they urinated where they’re meant to.

Escaping Is An Art
The bar tenders in this bar pledge no allegiance to their customer’s wives and are willing to go to extra lengths to help men keep their secrets from their other halves. But this all comes at a price, and the bigger the lie, the bigger price. Starting from $1 for “nope not here” to $5 for “never heard of him,” this bar must have been getting quite a few too many questions so decided to make a couple more bucks from it all!

It’s Not Rocket Science
You may not need a bachelors degree to work the kitchens in fast food chains, but someone missed the intellectual mark when it came to putting up a simple sign. At a time of hiring new full-time employees, this sign read “now hiring full-time losers.” What would attract anyone to come work for them and hand in their resume after reading that is unknown, but it would be no surprise if there was a new job vacancy going after this!

To Be Fair
We all have those days where we look back at something we did and think ‘what on earth were we thinking?’ Sometimes it takes someone else to point out the obvious to realize our errors, and to see things more clearly. This sign did the exact same thing while giving notice to bicycle riders, they were warned that any “bicycles chained to the railing will be removed without notice.” So what was that notice then? Either way, it is clear what will happen to anyone who ignores the sign.

Brain Food
Subway is nothing short of a great experience. Being able to choose exactly what type of sandwich you want, is truly wonderful. So add a hint of wit and a pinch of humor, and Subway has won us over. With the sign “Lettuce meat olive you eggspectations,” we can infer that they were saying “let us meet all of your expectations.” That they certainly will, and this added pun for good humor is all the better when going to fill up our stomachs.

That’s The Spirit
Sometimes customers just like to complain because they like the sound of their own voice. In fact, many complaints are far beyond the worker’s ability to deal with, and in many cases, they don’t have any suitable response. So to avoid getting yet another customer complaint – even though the customer is always right – this pub went and showed its caring side by providing a sign and button to make it look like they cared. If you look closer, however, the red button is situated on a mouse trap!

I’m Not Your Momma
The Natural Gardener was sure to let parents know they weren’t going to mess about if they left their kids unattended. Rather, they would give them an espresso – in an attempt to make them hyper. And a free puppy!? A gift no parent could ever dare take away from their child afterward. A ploy to make sure they were not left parenting other people’s kids, it was quite a clever threat, with parents knowing the two gifts the children will receive will not work in their favor by any means!

Ready To Roll
Some people may be skeptical of the existence of aliens, but this bar is not. With the potential of UFOs coming down to Earth at any point, the bar is letting alien visitors know they are welcome in the bar’s restrooms. Well, at least that’s what we hope, and we wouldn’t mind visiting such a bar that is so welcoming of everyone. We just wonder what the new jokes will be for “an alien walks into a bar…” and what is to follow.

We’re All Booked
The importance of reading has never been denied. From a young age, it is drilled into us that we should read and exercise our brain with novels, stories, and poems. During a time where a smartphone may be more appealing, new advertisements and billboards are having to find new ways of distracting the tech-savvy individual from their phone and convince them to pick up a book instead. This quirky sign conveniently located outside a bookstore is just one way of doing so!

Down The Drain
When the MSU Residential and Hospitality Services put up this sign, we can’t help but wonder what they expected to come from it. At least we hope this sign was not taken too seriously, and people did not refer to the sink when needing to go to the restrooms. In fact, we would rather not know what the outcome of this sign was, and would rather point out the misspelling at the bottom of the page for “visit” in the more information section.

Grande Aggravation
When this small town coffee shop put up their sign, they were making it clear that a venti or grande was not an option on their menu. Keeping it simple and to the point, customers were to only ask for a small, medium or large. To be honest, that does make life a little easier when you don’t speak Pig Latin, Klingon or Starbucks yourself, because then your morning coffee could be a complete mess if you said the wrong thing.

Not Sure It Works That Way
Ok, so we get what this sign was intending to say – something along the lines of offices or stores have been moved to another floor temporarily. But there is something so great about reading this and imagining the whole 9th floor being moved to the 15th floor, and just for temporary purposes. At first glance, this must have caused a serious amount of commotion, which the writer should have gathered when he had to put a big “Attention” sign to warn people.

Eyes Everywhere
The all-knowing, all-seeing God doesn’t miss a thing, and this shop wanted to let their customers know that. Quoting God saying “I saw that” was just a reminder to all customers to keep to their law-abiding citizen ways, making sure no one was going to steal from their shop. Just to add extra precaution, a picture of Jesus is perfectly placed next to the camera for an even greater reminder that it is against religion, and the law, to steal.

Paper Jam Exorcism
We may joke that our technological devices are sometimes possessed when they begin to have a mind of their own and start doing things beyond our control. A fear of what will happen next is always on our brains, so we try and avoid these devices as best as we can. So instead of a normal “out of order” sign being placed on this printer/photocopier, the brains behind the sign decided to let users know it was possessed so that they would stay far, far away.

Philosophical Singalong
Nietzsche and Kant had different ideas when it came to the deep and meaningful approaches to life. But then Sinatra came along, and we chose to listen to him anyway. So while you may like your mornings to start with an inspirational mantra, this sign was a reminder that we should be enjoying life and there are several ways to approach it, so do what works for you. Even if that means following the words of Sinatra and just “do be do be do.”

Warning/Welcoming Sign
If you’re looking for a little direction in life, it probably wouldn’t be best to follow this sign. Leading you to Chaos, the sign screams trouble, and you are to only follow on your own accord and risk. While passersby may be hoping to find directions towards a famous landscape or even directions to public transport, they aren’t going to get much guidance with this sign, and this is when they choose to follow or continue looking for the more helpful directions.

Final Destination
Riding the underground tube and seeing “The End” as the final stop of the journey could leave many people confused. While it is the end of the tube line, it could also be seen as being the end of everything! Of course, it’s neither, as the tube line doesn’t need to spell out the last stop of the journey, and “The End” is actually the name of an attraction. For people who don’t know this, it is just very confusing and may lave people exiting the train sooner than they planned.

Sick Change
Some people believe that there are tiny money counting gnomes working their ways in ATMs to give people their withdrawn cash. That is exactly what the creator of this sign believes, and wanted to inform all customers that this gnome was off sick that day, therefore unable to provide hopeful ATM users with money. When customers discovered that they could not withdraw any cash it would, of course, have been annoying, but hopefully they at least got a little amusement from this alternative “out of order” sign.

My Wife Said…
You know what they say — wives know best unless you’re not listening that is. It turns out, though, that this is actually a sign located at Wallingford Chevron. In 2005, an auto repair shop was converted into an ExtraMile corner store. The owners decided that it would be amusing to provide a weekly joke or witty observation for visitors hence this funny sign about a husband-wife relationship. And we have to say that it’s a pretty relatable wisecrack.

Instant Death
Call us crazy but something about this sign contradicts itself. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the sign warns passer-byers that touching the wires causes immediate death, so if they do in fact touch those deathly cables, they’ll have to pay a $200 fine. Sure — that’s a pretty steep ticket but the person will have already died by the time someone comes around to collect the money, so we guess they’re in luck? That or Newcastle’s regulations may be a tad bit backward…

Bike or Car?
Perhaps a bike ride would be a better choice for today considering that the lane for cars is, well, water. In all honesty, we’re not really sure what’s happening here but whoever installed the sign may have been a little confused. Even if it were switched around, though, the bike lane would then be a body of water and we don’t know about you guys, but we definitely cannot ride a bicycle in water. Maybe we should start learning if this is the only option to get around, though…

Accident, Maryland
We know — this sign looks like an accident in and of itself. Believe it or not, though, Accident is a town in Garrett County, Maryland. A town that has been noted for its unusual name, Accident has a population of 314 people as of 2017. Not that we’re all that surprised. After all, who’d actually want to live in a place that sounds like a legitimate mistake, especially considering the fact that a person from Accident is called an “Accidental.”

Beware of Dog
Seriously, people — just do yourselves a favor and ring the doorbell before the dog licks you to death! All jokes aside, though, this whole photo is hilarious…and perfectly captured. The sign, written in big block lettering, would have seemed a little more intimidating had the tiny dog not photobombed the picture. He just looks too cute to be scary! Then again, don’t let his size deceive you. In actuality, he could be a vicious menace of a pup!

Dinosaurs Crossing…
Okay, this sign is pretty cute or at least the dinosaur crossing the hill is. And while we’ve seen these little decorative ‘Dinosaur Crossing’ sign before, we’re stumped as to why it was actually placed outside somewhere considering that our reptilian friends have been extinct for, well, 66 million years. We’re guessing that’s the reason why Flickr user @FoodieExplorers snapped this photo of the sign — she’s probably just as confused as we are. Maybe we’ve just entered Steven Spielberg’s world of Jurassic Park…

Born to Be Wild
We’re not entirely sure what’s happening here but it looks like fun nonetheless — a guy riding his motorcycle over a rainbow. Did Steppenwolf’s “Born to Be Wild” start playing in your heads, too? Yeah, we thought so. We mean, just look at the man! He’s totally trying to show off the fact that he can ride over a rainbow without holding on to the handlebars. Just don’t get too cocky, pal, because you might end up tasting the rainbow and not in the Skittles kind of way…

Gone in One Swoop
Well, there you have it. This place isn’t responsible if a seagull steals and eats your funnel cake in one fell swoop. Clearly, customers have complained about getting cheated out of their sweet treat all because a bird dove in and stole it from their bare hands. As annoying as that is, it makes sense as to why this eatery can’t just reimburse or replace everyone’s funnel cake for free. What the owners or employees should do, though, is warn their customers that they have a bit of a seagull infestation…

Beware of Thieves
While we’ve never actually laid eyes on this kind of sign before, we’re guessing it’s located in a random park or some camping grounds to warn all visitors about safely locking up their belongings. After all, no one wants to get their stuff stolen especially if they’re getting mugged by what looks like a Freddy Kreuger-esque character — now THAT would be scary. In any event, the sign may be somewhat comical but it’s also a helpful reminder that you can never be too careful!

Tripping Hazard
This sign is dedicated to all the klutzy people out there! You’ll probably trip anyway — who are you kidding — but this sign is a nice reminder to look where you’re walking. Clearly enough people have fallen over this tripping hazard that a sign needed to be made. And although the stick-figure person on the sign looks like he’s about to face plant hard into the ground, we’re hoping that whoever actually tripped in real life didn’t hurt themselves that badly…

An Unsettling Sign
This ‘No Swimming’ sign would be totally fine if the guy on it didn’t look like he’s getting eaten by some crazy lake monster. In all honesty, why does he look so terrified? Maybe this was the intention of whoever actually made the sign. Perhaps they wanted to scare people so deeply that they wouldn’t even think about going near the water. That or they’re not the greatest of artists. In any event, just don’t swim here, whether or not there’s a creature at the bottom of the lake.

Isn’t Supposed to Be the Headless Horseman?
Well, it looks the roles have officially reversed — it’s no longer the headless horseman but rather the headless horse. Whatever the case may be, this sign is a clear warning for people not to ride the headless horses around — because ya know, there are a ton of headless horses casually running around the neighborhood. In reality, though, whoever created this sign must have been seeing things because this warning in and of itself is super random. Still, maybe we should all just stick to riding horses with heads…

Wild Children
You read the sign, guys. Beware of wild animals and wild children. While it’s a pretty hilarious warning, it’s also somewhat true. Forget about the animals for a second. We’re focusing on the kids, who can be absolutely nuts if they’re riled up too much so, in all honesty, this sign is more helpful than anything else. The question is, where is this caution sign actually placed — in a zoo of little rascals? Either way, this should be installed on the grounds of every school…

Senior Citizens
Mmm, this sign is a wee bit confusing. Is it telling us that we can literally wash and vacuum older people if we pay $15.95? Although they probably meant that senior citizens get a discount for a car wash and vacuum, we’d like to believe that they meant option one because, well, it’s pretty funny. To avoid this kind of confusion again, though, whoever works there should probably rephrase the sign or at least move around the letters a tad.

Just Don’t Laugh
As odd as we’d like to think this sign is, it was evidently created for a reason. We’re kind of interested as to what kind of warning this is — what happens if a tourist laughs at a native? And what happens if a native laughs at a native? Whether or not there is an actual punishment for this kind of behavior, you just shouldn’t laugh at another person in general. Laughing with someone is fine but laughing at them is off limits.

Good ‘Ol Crocky
This one made us giggle just a bit. Sure — crocodiles are no laughing matter but there is seriously so much going on in this photo that we can’t help but laugh a little. First of all, what kind of luck does this guy in a wheelchair have that he ended up at the top of a hill right in the path of the crocodile? Also, he may be more of a stick-figure drawing but you can literally see the fear in his face all the while little crocky looks thrilled. Then again, why wouldn’t he? He’s about to eat, after all.

Control Your Pee!
You read the sign, people — it’s a very steep downhill so mind yourself if you decide to pee. We’re not exactly sure how this sign came to be but whoever inspired it clearly didn’t care where the pee went. We just hope they weren’t actually riding a bicycle downhill whilst peeing. That would be pretty repulsive…or impressive? Seriously, how does one even do that? In any event, this warning is for any and all bike riders with a full bladder — whatever you do, please control your pee!

Feed a Pigeon, Lose a Finger
Don’t tell us that you haven’t been warned. If you took it upon yourself to feed a pigeon and lost your finger in the process, well, that’s on you! There are two signs installed here asking you not to feed the birds. While we know how hard it is to resist doing something you were asked not to do, just grow up and don’t do it! We mean, come on — is it really worth losing your finger over?

Use Commas, Please
Talk about some dark humor. This is a harsh yet effective way to get draw someone’s attention to the importance of using commas. To be honest, we feel like whoever wrote this sign couldn’t have done a better job than they did – it is a cut to the chase approach to teaching grammar. We’re not going to lie, we double-checked our commas after writing this! We don’t want any lives in danger because of our mistakes!

Tell Him Boy, Bye
Well…this is awkward! The used-car dealership went out of their way to make this extra special sign, they got a smiley face and everything. The only problem is, the word that sticks out most is misspelled. Of course, we would love to buy a used car, we’re not so sure about bye-ing one. You can’t really drive-by this sign without furrowing your brow but for some reason, it looks like this may have been a tactical business move. What do you think?

Dairy Queen & The Police
We don’t really know what to think of this sign. On the one hand, it’s nice that Dairy Queen is lightheartedly picking fun at the “I scream, you scream” saying. On the other hand, well, we don’t know why they would turn this sentence into an aggressive one instead of taking a light spin on things. After reading this sign, we’re not sure that we’ll be heading to Dairy Queen the next time we’re in the mood for ice cream.

School’s Out!
This is definitely the most original “school is out for the summer” sign we’ve seen in a while. We love that they used a children’s game in order to get their message across, making it obvious that the parents know that the kids are their burdon now. It is a sweet and thoughtful sign and it had us giggling. Our only question is, why did whoever put up this sign use an upside-down comma? We thought teachers knew everything!

These Heels Were Made for Walking
In your opinion, how many people hiked this path in heels in order for it to receive its own “no heels” sign? We commend the women who tried their luck walking this snowy mountain in heels. And, although we wish it was a safe endeavor, we’re sure there are a couple of ugly stories behind this sign. It’s interesting that there is no explanation to the notice, just a single “no heels” sign that may as well speak for itself.

My Way, Or the Highway
This makes absolutely no sense to us, really, it has to be some sort of joke. It is clear that there is construction happening ahead – so it is reasonable that there would be a “don’t continue straight sign.” If you’re at this junction you’re going to have to turn around, but wait! There is nowhere to turn, there is nowhere to drive. You’re stuck in place. At least they got one thing right, coming to this junction you have no option other than to stop!

Poor Door
It’s always funny when people give inanimate objects qualities and feelings. It is even funnier when people decide to play along. Of course, this turned into a sort of play on words, because a door cannot actually be alarmed, although it is also pretty amusing. Maybe we’re nerds because we found this funny, or maybe it is just objectively funny? We can’t stop thinking about all the things that could startle a door – construction? Bright lights? Loud people? The list goes on and on.

We have never agreed with a sign more. We don’t know who came up with this, but we salute you! This has got to be a sign for a diner, because who else would serve coffee and wine and be funny about it? Although it is a pretty long sign it is hard to not want to read it all, and then re-read it until you memorize all that is written. This has become our new life motto – so if you’re looking for us, we will be at this diner.

Husband Day Care
If we didn’t know any better we would say this was a sign advertising a bar, so we aren’t really sure if it is aimed at women or at men. The three items advertised are aimed towards women (come on ladies, this sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?!) But, reading this sign all the way through, you understand that maybe this sign is really catering towards men. Either way, we think it is hilarious and genius and we want to find our local “Husband Day Care Center.”

Just Don’t
Who knew three words could sting so deep? This sign is bringing up a lot of repressed childhood memories. Looking at this sign, the only information we have is that it is in the middle of an area with trees. We’re curious to understand what “don’t be stupid” means in this context because to us, it could mean one of many things. What if this sign doesn’t even have a hidden agenda other than don’t be stupid?

In the Name of Love
We can’t help but smile while reading these signs. A creative mind obviously stands behind this work of genius because we’ve seen this sign hundreds of times and adding this finishing touch has never crossed our minds. Someone added a “be nice” sign to a stop and take turns sign – and we think it is the sweetest thing there is. So sweet, in fact, that we think that all schools so adopt this method of teaching. After all, sharing is caring!

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them
For those who still don’t understand – this is a stop sign, pointing at a stop sign. Okay, now that we have that covered, why on earth would someone clarify that a sign that clearly reads, “stop” could mean anything other than that. We’re guessing this is a junction that people tend to miss, so the people in charge of traffic in this area decided to make sure no one ever missed the stop sign again. Passive-aggressive? Yes! Effective? We sure hope so!

Remix to Ignition
We can’t help but want to rap while reading this sign. Other than some sort of remix to a song we’ve never heard before, we’re not sure what this sign actually means. Is this some secret code that no one filled us in on? It seems like too big of an error to be an innocent mistake. If anyone knows what this sign means, please let us know. We need answers!

Disney Horror
After Finding Nemo was released, the fondness of the orange fish with white stripes was heightened. A fish we have all come to love and adore from the highest-grossing animation, there was nothing we wanted more than Nemo to be found by his loving father. So when this restaurant used Nemo for their own joke and pleasure, we were not too pleased. Who would want to be eating Nemo? We surely hope no one would be appealed by this cruel joke.

It’s Hot Down There
The Church is not a place to mess with. As a place of worship, they know the rules about going to heaven and – well, that other place – and the laws to follow to ensure you are sent to the right place in your afterlife. Stealing AC from the Church of all places is definitely not going to get you to heaven anytime soon, and the Church knows that. With this sign, they were able to make a smart remark to whoever the culprit was and send them a clear message!

As Clear As It Gets
For those unfamiliar with Turkey City, it is a community in Clarion County, Pennsylvania, in the United States. But let’s pretend we all don’t know what this is and see the humorous contradiction in these two signs placed together. At first sight, it looks like a turkey limit has been placed in the same area as a bird sanctuary, making it unreasonable and lacking much sense. Seeing as though this is not the case, then we can see that this makes much more sense.

Over The Hill, Under The Hill
It seems that golfing isn’t just left on the golf course and keen players will find other places to get their hole-in-one. But a cemetery of all places is really pushing it, to the point a sign had to be put up to stop golfers from using this area for their playtime. After all, there are grieving family members and friends around, and they really don’t need the added trauma of being hit on the head with a golf ball!

Quick Fix
The last thing anyone going for surgery needs is the pressure of getting back to their car before their time limit expires. Seriously, a 5 minute limit in the surgery parking needs a little explanation for us to understand this sign and why there is even parking in the first place? We know that medical centers aren’t the kindest with offering parking facilities, but this one really takes the bullet. Hopefully they’re doing a better job inside the surgery room, and all their attention has been focused in there.

These Las Vegas Visitors Enjoyed Their Vacation Just A Bit Too Much
Whether it is for a bachelor party or a wild weekend away from home, there is no place like Las Vegas to let loose and create memories you will desperately want to forget. Unfortunately for the individuals in the article, we captured those exact shameless moments.
Trash The Dress
This woman was feeling so ecstatic towards her wedding during her bachelorette party in Las Vegas that she decided she could not wait until it was time to put her wedding gown on. Therefore, she went back up to her suite and changed into the dress – a reckless act she should have reconsidered since there was a high probability that she would spill something over her very expensive dress and ruin it completely. Her bridesmaids should have talked her out of it, but evidently didn’t.

Careful, It’s HOT
If you have traveled to the capital of casinos and not stopped for an unhealthy snack at the Heart Attack Grill, have you really been to Vegas? The hamburger joint might sound familiar from its previous positioning in Tempe, Arizona, but if any place were to serve enormous portions of fried food and meat and take pride in “fighting anorexia since 2010,” it should be situated in Vegas. The waitresses are dressed as nurses and take orders (“prescriptions”) from the “patients”, who are customers wearing a hospital gown and wristband.

Love Hurts
Things can get wild on a night out in Las Vegas, but that does not mean you cannot have a good time with your romantic partner. In fact, some who visited Sin City with their spouses admitted to genuinely having a better time than when they were hormonal singles out on the prowl for some action. The adorable couple seen in the picture below wanted to paint the town red and did so in the funniest way, wearing pillow covers with hilarious messages on them for all to read.

Permanent Reminder
This girl had one too many drinks at her friend’s bachelorette party in Las Vegas and thought it would be a great idea to write how much she was enjoying the vacation on her body. Her friends dared her to get a real tattoo that would last a lifetime, but she was hesitant about the pain it would cause her, so instead, she went with the next best thing and had one of the girls write “I love Vegas” on her bare back with a permanent marker.

Tiring Game
Another sleepy head in the mix is this girl, who was still jet-lagged from her flight from the far east but desperately wanted to participate in a game of poker before her family made their way to the casino on the next flight over. Since her parents were not big fans of the gambling game, she thought it would be best to play a few rounds before they arrived – but ended up snoozing in her seat after only the second round.

Brolove Captured
The guy in the green was taken by his friends on a fun weekend trip to Las Vegas to get his mind off a recent painful break up he had a hard time bouncing back from. It seems the trip helped him feel much better and everyone was in good spirits until they reached this beautiful spot out looking the entire city. The guy lay down on the floor and curled into a ball – but his friends quickly joined in and spooned him to comfort him.

Jackpot Joke
Slot machines are tricky – you can sit at one and win the jackpot after putting in only a few coins, or you can land on one that has recently been emptied and therefore takes away all your money and leaves you completely broke. It is hard not to become addicted to these machines too for this exact risk, which is why the guy in the picture can be seen expressing his anger towards his bad luck and the machine that’s put him in a great deal of financial trouble.

It’s A Sign
In case you are having trouble reading the sign, it says – “attention: smoking and drinking, along with laughing, yelling, singing, screaming, running, jumping” and other lewd acts are permitted while riding this specific taxi. The word of so-called caution then ends its message with a warm welcome to Vegas, making those riding in the back seat of this taxi understand that the rumors were true – there really is no other place like Vegas, and there is a reason it’s called Sin City.

A Drinking Problem
Alcohol may be cheaper than therapy, but it is definitely not the answer, unlike what this sign by a place called Lee’s Discount Liquor suggests. It is safe to say that a lot of people turn to booze in order to literally drink away their sorrows, but this is just a temporary solution that would most likely result in a lot of regret and a bad hangover the next day. Instead, therapy can help with the deep psychological issues buried inside.

Home Is Where The Slot Is
Ralph was a Vegas fanatic – in fact, all his friends knew that no matter when or what the reason behind it would be, he would be the first one to jump up and down with excitement and plan the trip to the desert capital. Some may argue that Ralph was feeling a little too comfortable, however, since one time he went up to his hotel room, grabbed his mattress, dragged it to the casino, took off his clothes and went to sleep.

Interesting Choice
Sin City’s reputation precedes it, and for an accurate reason. Some may argue they love Vegas for its positive vibes and careless attitude, but the truth is that it seems there are no limits in the official party capital of America. Some romantic partners engage in arguments on where the line should be drawn when taking a trip to Vegas, but this supportive girlfriend certainly was open-minded when her boyfriend decided he wanted a hat balloon featuring an exotic dancer.

Red Light
Street performers are a common sight around the strip in Vegas, and when it comes to adorable furry creatures, women are the first ones in line for the show. This monkey, however, was getting a little too handsy with the redhead.

Dedication Is Key
It has become a certain cliche over time, throwing a bachelorette party in Vegas, and it seems the locals have had enough. They say that if you can’t fight them, join them, and that is exactly what this man decided to do. He put on the skimpiest dress he could find, adorned his outfit with a sash and wrote the word “tips!” on his fan. Could he have taken the role slightly too far? Perhaps, but it can also be argued that the man is dedicated to his art.

It Felt Like A Dream
Nothing says “we had a wild night out on the town” like a group of fully grown men falling asleep in the middle of a Starbucks. By the looks of their drooling faces, we are going to guess things got a little bit out of control, and no one shut an eye for the entire night. As long as they all had a good time and do not miss their flight back home, we are all for partying it up – that’s what Vegas is for!

Don’t Drink And Tat
Getting a tattoo was on Joey’s bucket list, but it seems that whenever he got the courage to actually go through with it, he was ridiculously tipsy. When he arrived in Vegas with his friends, the latter understood the only way they could make him go through with it was by pouring more vodka into his shot glass. By the time he hit the number four, Joey was ready to walk into the nearest tattoo parlor with a napkin consisting of a scribble with the wrong lyrics of his favorite song.

No Judgement
Talk about smart advertising! Although the idea behind putting the poster of these girls judging the manhood of the males using the urinals escapes us, this could potentially bring in a lot of men to use the restroom – if not to pee, then to take a hilarious picture. This Vegas bathroom has been seen in many pictures around the web, so their hopes became a reality. We aren’t sure which men would like to use the urinals with the size mocking females, however.

Bubble Burst/post_page_title]
Disney stars and key characters can be spotted all around the strip in Las Vegas, but it is a rare sight to see them in such a state, like the one Minnie Mouse is in. We just hope no children observed this sad sight since it could burst many bubbles, and perhaps even ruin their childhood altogether. Can you imagine being a parent trying to explain to their child why Mini Mouse is seen grasping a beer bottle in the middle of the street?
Forgive And Forget
They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, which is mostly due to the fact that what happens in Sin City is most likely shenanigans you would not want out in the open – or even to remember yourself. It is a good thing there are churches, just like the Baptist one run by Pastor Allen F. Harrod that are more accepting of mistakes of the past. By putting up a sign like this, they state that while sinning is bad, it can be forgiven.

For Better Or Worse
If this guy may seem familiar, it is because he was featured in this article when he was dressed up as a bachelorette while cruising down the strip of Las Vegas. It seems that getting tips while looking like a lady on her last night being single did not do him any favors, nor did it land him plenty of tips, so he decided a newlywed bride would suit his figure better and win him the jackpot.

Sleep Tight
This woman had to go to the bathroom so bad that she waited outside the stall while sitting down on the carpet floor. Unfortunately for her, fatigue quickly came over the need to urinate, so she dozed off to a deep sleep right there on the floor. Her friends quickly came to her rescue and woke her up, but not before taking a picture of this hilarious moment in order to remind her to never go to the bathroom tired again.

Can’t Resist It
It’s a well-known fact in Vegas that those who are usually drawn to slot machines are the elderly. This poor guy was exhausted after playing for 8 hours straight, so he took a little nap. These girls could not resist and took a picture with him.

Better Safe Than Sorry
Sexually transmitted diseases are not a laughing matter, but it is hard to look at this sign and not let as much as a smile creep on our faces. This witty sign is both an alarming threat and a friendly reminder that some things do not stay in Vegas, no matter how much we want them to remain there along with other less than kind memories. It is important to get checked up occasionally for STDs, no matter how embarrassing it might be.

Court Knee
Josh showed up late to work yet again, even though his boss has warned him time after time that it would be the last time. His boss decided she had enough with his tardiness so she told him today would be his last day as a barista at Starbucks. Annoyed with the fact he was terminated and still a little bit tipsy from the night before, Josh decided he would do whatever he wants on his last day, including writing the name Courtney in a completely creative way.

I’m Going To Level With You
The term planking means the act of mimicking a wooden plank. Planking can consist of one lying flat on a surface, or maintain the body level while it’s supported in only some areas, having other parts of the body suspended. This grandmother was so psyched about her slot machine winnings that she had to celebrate somehow. For an unknown reason, planking on top of the machine is the first thing that came to her mind, so she just went along with it.

‘Till Annulment Do Us Part
It is common for couples to have their bachelor or bachelorette parties in Vegas, but also for them to elope in the very same city. There is just something about the free-spirited and easy going nature of the place that makes people act rather recklessly, such as running away to a distant place and tying the knot. In the best possible case scenario, you end up marrying someone you were already engaged to. In the worst, you find yourself dressed as Elvis alongside a stranger in a Marilyn Monroe costume.

Super Vegas
This might sound the beginning of a joke, but there is probably only one place on Earth where The Joker, Batman, and Bane will ever sit down casually for a meal – and that place is Las Vegas, Nevada – the place where nothing can be expected and everything will feel blurred. While we realize we are talking about fictional characters, it seems unlikely one would find a superhero sitting down with a couple of villains without a care in the world.

Mushroom Kingdom, Nevada
Looks like Luigi failed in his role as Mario’s sidekick since it is the red-hat character who seems to be caring for his protector, and not the other way around. Maybe Mario was fed up with feeling as though he was a short, pudgy man who was recognized for being an Italian plumber who resides in the Mushroom Kingdom, and it was this depressing thought that made him drink away his sorrows. We just hope that before things got too out of hand Princess Peach was rescued.

One Night Stand
This man was invited to join a Las Vegas bachelor party trip, and he beyond excited. His younger brother was the lucky groom getting married, and had advised his older brother to bring along a fitting costume seeing as how they would most likely attend a dress-up party. The man in the picture planned his costume in great detail two months in advance. Since he had been married for three decades, he had no idea what a Vegas costume party meant – hence, this is what he wore.

It’s A Zoo Out There
45-year-old Rebecca Lemon collects spare change from the crowd passing her by on the footbridge near The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. Having been homeless for quite some time, she admitted to Las Vegas Review-Journal that this little stunt of having her cat Cheddar peer over his black sunglasses at tourists who are keen to snap photos lands her about $200 on a good day. However, animal rights activists reported on this and many other incidents as animal cruelty, and since then the use of animals for personal profit has been outlawed.

Hair Of The Dog
This guy has never been to Las Vegas before, so when his girlfriend suggested they would make the trip, he decided to go all out there. For months he grew his hair, and when the long-awaited day finally arrived, he decided to chop off the sides and turn his long locks into an enormous mohawk canvas. He then went over to a graffiti artist and asked that his hair would be colored in a distinguished way. Needless to say, his hair looked anything but ordinary.

Bridging The Gap
Granny got to flaunt her wild side as she was taken on an exciting journey to Las Vegas with her bridge partners from back home. Her girlfriends, who she called her hens, were ecstatic to see their beloved friend finally break out of her shell – even if it meant putting a few drinks in her first. They took her to this restaurant and the waiter placed a paper hat on her head with the message of her choosing, which was “I went to the prom with Jesus.”

Dream Come True
Courtney met her now husband at a Britney Spears concert, but never thought she would say “yes” to him while standing right next to her idol and the phenomenal singer who brought the two of them together. “Courtney started to shake and cry and smile etc. She stuck her hand out but kept looking at Britney then back at the ring. Britney then the ring. Finally I asked again ‘so what do you think?? Want me to put it on you or what!?'” Of course, Courtney said “yes!”

Food Flunk
This poor girl wanted to have a calm night at home, but her friends convinced her otherwise. Since she lived in Vegas, the whole party deal did not appeal to her, but having just gotten out of a horrible relationship, she wanted to get her mind off recent events. She partied hard all night long and when she finally got home, she decided drowning her boozy blood stream in fast food would be ideal. Unfortunately, she fell asleep as soon as the food arrived.

Play The Part
Having just recently moved to Las Vegas, this girl thought Halloween meant dressing up as your favorite Vegas reference. Since she was always big on the games found in casinos – in fact, this was what drew her to move to the city in the middle of the desert to begin with – she thought dressing-up as one would be the ideal costume. Even after she had arrived at the party and noticed she was the only one who went through such trouble for the costume, she was all smiles.

Slippery Hands
Cleveland Cavaliers’ Timofey Mozgov celebrated his team’s big win at the nightclub XS Las Vegas, where the team was welcomed with an enormous billboard and a screaming crowd. Mozgov wanted to make his fans happy and grabbed one of the girl’s phone to take a selfie, but rumor has it he dropped the phone seconds after this shot was taken, smashing the screen into little pieces. The basketball player was so drunk, he didn’t take notice of this and didn’t even apologize for his slippery hands.

Not Impressed
When it comes to official business-related events, there is a certain code of behavior. While the vibes are more free-spirited than the ones found in the office, it is still a professional environment and people are expected to act in a polite and appropriate manner. The girl in the picture below failed to do so, and just by looking at the faces of the women around you, it is easy to understand that this loose behavior was not appropriate, even if the company was on a Vegas trip.

Ugly Ducklings
Pulling a kissy face at the camera, also known as a duck face, is a phenomenon that has completely taken over since social media has spread worldwide. Facebook entered cyberspace and took over lives in a sense that it demanded everything would be documented. Since many women wanted to look their best when posting pictures online, they made sure to make a smooching face, as it was to meant to make their faces seem slimmer and mouthes more appealing. This bunch, however, had too many drinks to pull it off.

Grab The Bull By The Horns
If you ever have a wild weekend out in the party capital of the world, why not head down to one of the many grill houses available with a mechanic bull and give it a go? The girl in the picture below might not make it look especially fun, but once trying it out, mechanic bull riding can actually be a lot of fun. We just hope the girl in the picture did not get hurt, since that would be one bad fall.

Burst His Bubble
The boy in the picture might look like he is too young to drink, but he is actually celebrating his 21st birthday in this picture. He made the trip to Las Vegas with two of his best friends, one of which took this shot. He thought it might be a fun thing to do, send a picture of himself in an overflown jacuzzi to his crush, but turns out the idea was much more appealing than the actual outcome, since the girl texted him back laughing emoticons.

Pole Party
Now here is a perfect example of an office party that has gone way, way too wild. While everyone on this party bus seems to be enjoying themselves greatly, there is one person in particular that is having the time of his life. The different expressions around the bus say it all. This picture looks like it was taken straight out of a Hollywood film and the next shot would be the much regretted, hangover-filled morning after. One thing is for sure – these guys know how to party!

Lucky Charm
Ever since the film The Hangover came out, it is impossible to mention a bachelor party in the city of sin without bringing up the movie. The epic scenes made countless viewers roar with laughter and identify all too well with the most shocking, obscene and hilarious scenes. One of the four main characters, Alan, who is played by the talented actor Zach Galifianakis, was one the funnier characters written in the script, and this guy seen in the picture below was lucky enough to look just like him.

Gambling Away His Freedom
Chewbacca may have been Han Solo’s co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon as well as a legendary Wookiee warrior, but according to the proof in the form of the picture below, it would seem the creature is a heavy gambler as well. We guess this should not come as news to us, seeing as how Chewbacca was part of a core group of Rebels in Star Wars and it was him who restored freedom to the galaxy, making him a liberal.

Characters Capital Vegas
In case it was not clear from his somewhat shocked expression in this photo, the guy in the glasses could not feel more out of place at this particular moment. This was his very first trip to Las Vegas, and although he was warned in advance that he might come across peculiar characters, there was no preparing him for the moment he would meet this fully grown, muscly man rocking a fuschia feather boa, heavily padded bra and tiny disco balls necklace.

Cupid’s Cabin
For those who have absolutely no game, or want to get their expectations of the night out in the open from the get-go, this cheesy hotel room is perfect for them. The heart-shaped water bed is dimly lit with the changing room lights as if to set a romantic atmosphere, which gets a sensual twist once noticing there are mirrors all over this room – including the ceiling. Cupids painted on the walls suggest love is in this air, but it seems this room fits one night stands better.

A Dare Is A Dare
After partying like there is no tomorrow for three days straight, this guy had just about had it with putting anything in his body that was not edible. After all, something needed to absorb all those tequila shots – and it best be something deep fried and covered with cheese. Once the guy arrived at the counter, his friends started yelling out that he should plank on top of it as a final act before completely swearing off alcohol. He was quick to oblige.

Hair Of The Dog
No trip to the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas would be complete without a fancy sail down the Grand Canal in a gondola – and this little munchkin puppy could not agree more. Dressed in a fully suiting straw hat and striped shirt, the pup must probably think to himself that he has no idea what he has done to deserve this, but his owner is probably too hungover from the night before to care that this makes her dog uneasy.

Doze Off Before Take Off
Like many before them, these tourists went all out on their trip to Las Vegas, making sure they spent every moment they could indulging their desires. And just like so many others, it all caught up to them on their way out. McCarran International Airport is unlike any other airport around the world because of the people who go through it every day. Nowhere else can you find so many different people from all walks of life in the same sad, sorry state.

Science Fiction Double Feature
The classiest people in Las Vegas are there for their own wedding, just ask the people who live there. And if you’re going to go for a themed wedding, what could possibly be classier than The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Sure, you can go for the whole Elvis theme, but that’s been done so many times that it’s become too cliché. Who better to officiate your wedding than Dr. Frank N. Furter alongside his creation, Rocky Horror?

The Farce Is Strong With These Ones
Whereas weddings in other parts of the world take months of planning before a seriously solemn big day, Sin City offers lighthearted couples looking to tie the knot much more fun. This happy couple decided to take their love for the original Star Wars trilogy to the next level and started the next stage of their lives together as Yoda and Darth Vader. Although sworn enemies in a galaxy far, far away, whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Lasagna, The Gateway Substance
Garfield started off as your average housecat, just like any you might know. He was warned in school about the slippery slope that one risks going down, even after trying just a little slice of lasagna. Garfield didn’t listen, though, figuring that just one bite couldn’t do anyone any harm. And just like that, he was hooked. He couldn’t get enough of that cheesy goodness. Now he’s hit rock bottom, living as a street cat. Remember, kids: just say no.

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire
Looks like things got a little out of hand the night before – how else would this girl explain having underwear stuck to her hoodie? She might claim that this was the dryer’s doing, but considering the fact she is in the party capital of the world, we seriously doubt anyone would have believed this tale. Even the Starbucks barista standing in front of her does not look too impressed – maybe the girl in the purple hoodie turned around and gave her a sneak peek of her shenanigans, too.

Drop It Like It’s Cold
When a police officer yells at you with a command, you should most likely do as they say – unless you want to end up in a jail cell for the rest of your night. This guy was waiting for his trip away from his wife and kids for so long, he couldn’t wait to grab a cold beer and chug it right there in the middle of the street. A nearby policeman spotted the man and yelled at him to stop drinking – but to no avail.

Fear Works Wonders
What if what you did in Vegas did not stay in Vegas? The guy seen coming out of the steamy shower only recently had come back from his trip to the city of sin, and he had repeartedly asserted to his fiance that nothing shady had happened while he was away. The truth was very different than what he had claimed, so she decided to get the truth out of him the only way she knew would definitely work – she would scare the living hell out of him.

Feeling Blue
The woman wearing a blue sequin dress, blue cutoff gloves, blue stockings, and blue socks as an entire color coordinated outfit might look like she came straight out of a bizarre alien movie at first, but the truth is she is simply a deeply invested, huge fan of the band the Blue Man Group. She has followed their every move and has seen nearly every show in the united states, which was why she went through the extra effort and even put a blue flower in her hair.

Going Green Is Not Always A Good Decision
When a sign reads no smoking, it is understandable why some might presume the rule only applies to smoking cigarettes, and not substances that are illegal. However, since some things have been legalized in the past few years around the different states in America, this Las Vegas hotel rationalized that they should not assume all hotel guests will understand they mean smoking, in general, is not allowed, so instead, they put up this rather specific sign to avoid unpleasant situations.