From Family Feuds to Former Lovers, the More Embarrassing Details About Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle With Ex-Boyfriend Corey Vitiello

Becoming a princess may seem like every girl’s dream come true. However, it can also come with a lot of baggage, especially if you were not born into it. Having your life suddenly in the world’s spotlight can open up a can of worms from your past, whether good or bad. While we think we know all there is to know about the new Duchess, you would be surprised to discover what skeletons she has lurking in the closet. There is much more behind the scenes than expected. Find out the juicy details about Meghan’s life from the most shocking to surprising to shadiest secrets!

Meghan Is Calculated

Ever since it was revealed Meghan Markle was dating the British Royal, Prince Harry, all eyes were on the Hollywood actress. However, despite being followed 24/7, there are still a lot of secrets we don’t know about her, but many of these are now being revealed.

Meghan Is Calculated

An old friend of Meghan’s, Ninaki Priddy, branded her as “calculated” in the way she handles people and relationships. She also revealed Meghan always dreamt of being famous, recalling, “she just loved to be the center of attention.”

Social Climber

Meghan has been referred to by her estranged half-sister as a “social climber.” Allegedly, since the fame and fortune, Meghan chose to distance herself from her family (or at least tried to).

Social Climber

Her sister, Samantha Grant, believed that Meghan tactfully made her way to become a princess, rather than it being due to romance. “Hollywood has changed her. I think her ambition is to become a princess,” said Grant when Markle and Prince Harry started dating. But can her sister be trusted?

Family Fueds

No one in the Markle family seems to get along. Both half-sister, Samantha, and half-brother, Thomas Jr., have made allegations in the public media that the other sibling has been cut out of the family.

Family Fueds

Furthermore, despite Prince Harry making a comment that the Royals are like the family she never had, one family member suggested this was not the case. “She’s had a really good family,” said Thomas Markle Jr, “We were as close as we could be, as tight as we could be, that’s what we were.”

Her Dad Is Bankrupt

Once a successful lighting director, Meghan’s dad used to work on shows such as General Hospital and Married With Children.

Her Dad Is Bankrupt

But while his daughter may be living the life as a Royal, her dad is far from this. In 2016, Thomas Markle filed for bankruptcy with very little in his account, credit card debts, and unpaid tax debts for almost two decades. While his salary may not have been on the top end of the spectrum, his possible struggles started after his divorce from Doria, Meghan’s mom.

Meghan’s Dad Reduced Her And Harry To Tears

It was revealed last minute that Markle’s dad would not be attending her Royal wedding. Confirming the news, she said, “Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health.”

Meghan’s Dad Reduced Her And Harry To Tears

Meanwhile, her reaction behind closed doors was much less matter-of-fact. Apparently, the shocking news of his absence “reduced both Meghan and Harry to tears.”

Fake Photos

Markle’s dad staged his own paparazzi shots days before the wedding. Despite many requests for photographers to stay away from Thomas Markle, he apparently worked with members of paparazzi to stage photos showing him preparing for his daughter’s Royal wedding.

Fake Photos

It was alleged that he made a healthy profit from this too. While there was much speculation on this, it was reported Thomas decided not to attend the nuptials to avoid embarrassing the Royal family. Only days later, he changed his mind.

Not Enough Attention

According to Meghan’s sister, Samantha, Meghan is not paying enough attention to her father. After making numerous attempts to speak to Meghan about the health of their 74-year-old dad, Kensington Palace refused to respond.

Not Enough Attention

Unsure whether Meghan was even aware of this, her publicist took to Twitter as the “only option we have left.” He claimed, “This DOESN’T need to be public, we would prefer to keep this private. Samantha is coming to the UK this week, like it or not.”

Hiding A Disability

Meghan has allegedly hidden her half-sister’s disability. Samantha, who was diagnosed with MS back in 2008 and is in a wheelchair, believes her sister has avoided speaking about it publicly.

Hiding A Disability

She has even spoken out that Meghan has abandoned the family. In addition, she said that the two sisters have not been close, especially since her diagnosis. Born 17 years apart to different mothers, the two did not have much of a relationship, and despite Samantha’s claims, we doubt this is due to her disability.

Missing Trust

While Samantha’s outbursts are not much of a concern to Meghan, a source revealed she was truly devastated by her brother Thomas’ comments when he said, “She’s capable of doing anything, she’s just got to want to do it. If she wants to make amends, by all means, she can do that.”

Missing Trust

However, Meghan finds it hard to trust her dad. A source explained, “She lives in fear that he’ll leak their communication. If he’s spoken this much already, why wouldn’t he leak their conversation?”

Meghan’s Brother Is A Criminal

Meghan’s older half-brother is certainly not royal family material. Just like his father, he is on his second divorce and similarly declared his own bankruptcy in 2013.

Meghan’s Brother Is A Criminal

However, the real topper is that Thomas Markle Jr. was taken into custody after allegedly holding a weapon to his girlfriend’s head. He was charged with unlawful use of a dangerous weapon, menacing, and domestic violence. This does not sound like ideal behavior for a brother-in-law of Prince Harry.

Suits Warnings

When Markle revealed to her co-stars that she was dating Prince Harry, you can only imagine the excitement and delight. But one star, Rick Hoffman, decided to look out for his friend and colleague.

Suits Warnings

“And then I was just like take it slow, be careful, don’t let him hurt you,” he warned the Royal-to-be. Despite their incredible shock, they all hoped nothing but the best for Meghan. This came after she told them all excitedly that the prince was “great.” Maybe they were just worried based on Harry’s past mischievous ways?

Why She Divorced

One of the biggest controversies in Harry and Meghan’s engagement was the fact she was previously divorced. Before meeting Harry, Meghan was married to producer Trevor Engelson for two years. They split citing “irreconcilable differences.”

Why She Divorced

Meanwhile, a former friend of Meghan, Ninaki Priddy, revealed her career ultimately led to their splitting. Another source said the stress of a long-distance relationship likely played a part, as Meghan lived in Canada filming Suits and her husband was in Los Angeles.

Briefcase Babe

Before becoming a Royal, Meghan made an appearance as the case model on Deal or No Deal, hosted by Howie Mandel. Meghan was one of those beautiful women who would open cases to reveal a winning amount.

Briefcase Babe

Her time on the show lasted from 2006 to 2007 and she once said in an interview that the only reason she did the show was to make ends meet. “Definitely working on Deal or No Deal was a learning experience, and it helped me to understand what I would rather be doing,” she said.

Meghan Revealed A Little Too Much

While we can imagine the Queen wasn’t very pleased about this, back in 2013, Meghan Markle took part in a seductive photo shoot for the Canadian magazine, Sharp.

Meghan Revealed A Little Too Much

Of course, becoming a Royal means anything and everything from your past can creep up to haunt you, and if it’s on the internet there is no hiding. Although some outfits are sheer and revealing, she is fortunately not naked in any of the pictures, much to the Royals’ delight.

Bow To The Daddy

After turning up to Kensington Palace unannounced, Samantha was overcome with online abuse. However, she hit back in support of her shared father with Meghan saying that the “Duchess should bow to the daddy.”

Bow To The Daddy

Accusing her half-sister of giving “fake waves and smiles,” and not giving time to “the one who was always there for her,” Samantha simply wanted Meghan to reach out to her father so he could know she is well, happy, and to touch base.

Tweet Slams

Samantha has denied claims that her tweets are “slams” against her sister. Instead, she states that she wrote “honest, open, most diplomatic opinions.”

Tweet Slams

However, to many, it is not obvious how calling Meghan “arrogant and ignorant” or suggesting “Harry is a ‘wuss’ to allow the Duchess of Nonsense to mistreat everyone who has been close to her, especially her family,” is not a dig. While many are disgraced by Samantha’s outbursts towards the Duchess, it makes us question whether there is another side to Meghan.

A Royal Rachel

Interestingly, Meghan is not the real name of Prince Harry’s Hollywood wife. She was born as Rachel Meghan Markle, the same name as her character on Suits.

A Royal Rachel

It is not known when or why Meghan decided to drop Rachel, but all of her acting credits are under Meghan Markle. Perhaps, like some of her former acquaintances have mentioned, she had always aspired to get to where she is today and Meghan was more suited for a Royal title.

Becoming British

Although she became part of British history when marrying Prince Harry, Meghan also needed to know it inside out before she became a citizen of the UK. As Prince Harry’s communication secretary Jason Knauf said, the Duchess of Sussex will go through the process of becoming a British citizen “properly and officially.”

Becoming British

This means Meghan will have to take the ‘Life in the UK’ test. The test costs £50 and is compiled with roughly 3,000 facts. She has to answer 18 out of 24 questions correctly. Good luck, Meghan!

Best Friends

After meeting at a charity football game in 2014, Meghan and tennis star Serena Williams became great friends. After beginning to date the Prince and being bombarded by paparazzi and press, her friend gave her some friendly advice, “I told her, ‘You’ve got to be who you are, Meghan. You can’t hide,’” Williams said.

Best Friends

Meghan’s best friend, however, is said to be fashion stylist Jessica Mulroney. The girls became close after Meghan moved to Canada to film Suits and her three children even served as bridal attendants at the wedding.

Two Timing Or Faithful?

It has been said that Meghan was actually in a relationship with another man when she went on her first date with Prince Harry.

Two Timing Or Faithful?

From 2014 to 2016, Meghan was dating Canadian chef Cory Vitiello and they became serious, even living in a townhouse together. Meanwhile, we know Meghan met Harry in 2016, potentially causing their sudden breakup in May that year. So was Harry the cause of the end of Vitiello and Meghan, or was it something else? When questioned, he reported, “I can’t comment on that.”

Runs In The Family

Although her brother’s run-in with the law was for other reasons, Thomas Jr. also seems to suffer from problems relating to substance abuse too. His sister, Samantha, very publically accused him of being an addict via Twitter.

Runs In The Family

She used this as a way to discredit anything Thomas Jr. had said about Meghan or their father in the media. However, he was not the only Markle to dabble in these substances. Meghan’s father also admitted to taking substances while raising his daughter.

The Markle Curse

Addiction and substance abuse is not the only thing that runs in the Markle family. While it still remains rather rare to see a divorce in the royal family, the Markles are no strangers to it.

The Markle Curse

Thomas Markle started the pattern after divorcing twice. This was then followed by his son, Thomas Markle Jr., who has been divorced twice too. Samantha then followed in their footsteps and also divorced twice. As we know, Meghan is a one-time divorcee – let’s hope the family curse won’t strike again.

False Claims

Revealing in an interview they were set up by a mutual friend, Markle claimed she knew who Harry was but not much about him or his family.

False Claims

She asked her friend if he was a good guy, “[I] didn’t know much about him–I just asked, ‘Is he nice?’ Because if he wasn’t kind I didn’t really see there was any point,” the actress shared. Meanwhile, ex-friend begs to differ, “I know the Royal Family was something she found fascinating,” said Priddy, “She had one of Princess Diana’s books on her bookshelf.”

Breaking The Rules

Meghan is a sucker for breaking Royal rules. Whether it is due to ignorance or she wants to break the traditional mold, she has created much controversy.

Breaking The Rules

When appearing with Harry at Kensington Palace following the news of their engagement, Meghan committed a Royal fashion no-no. Rather than wearing pantyhose with her dress, she appeared in the public eye bare-legged, something the Royals do not do. While her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, has caught on well, Meghan has some way to go.

Mystery Of The Dogs

When Meghan met Prince Harry, she had two rescue dogs, Guy and Bogart. However, when things began to get serious and she moved to London, she only brought one dog, Guy, with her. Bogart remained in Canada with unnamed friends, given his age.

Mystery Of The Dogs

A spokesperson revealed, “It’s in the best interest of the animal’s well-being to stay.” In December 2017, it was reported that Guy broke two legs. Meghan was apparently “distraught,” although circumstances surrounding the injury are unknown.

Distant Relatives

Not many know, but Prince Harry and Meghan are strangely related! Yep, you heard right! While we shouldn’t go too crazy, as we all share the odd gene here and there, Meghan and Harry have proved it.

Distant Relatives

In October 2017 the couple performed a “genealogical investigation” revealing that they are cousins dating back to the 15th century. The pair is related through High Sheriff of County Durham Ralph Bowes, whose grandson Christopher Hussey moved to America in 1632. Therefore, they are actually 17th cousins!