Sometimes, we all need a laugh. Sometimes that laugh comes in the form of watching someone else’s mistakes or failures. It might be savage, but when people have one job and still manage to mess it up, it can be a good pick-me-up. We’ve put together a list of 40+ people who had one job and just could not get it right.
Head and Shoulders
We all know the song, “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” We probably all sang it as children to learn exactly where the head, shoulders, knees, and toes are on the body. However, one worker seemed to forget this rule when making this mural.

Either this is supposed to be an abstract piece of art, or this really is a fail. Maybe this was supposed to be an artistic interpretation of one of Henry VIII’s wives! We may never know, but it still gave us a good laugh.
Stacking Problems
When you’ve worked at a job for such a long time, sometimes doing the daily tasks become so repetitive and monotonous that we’ll switch off our brains. When we’re not thinking, we’ll ignore the obvious instructions that are staring us right in the face.

That must certainly be the case for this worker, who ignored the massive ‘DO NOT STACK’ instructions before proceeding to…stack them anyway. Sometimes it makes us wonder whether having these instructions are of any use at all.
A Ruined Surprise
People often underestimate the effort that goes into planning a surprise party. First of all, everyone’s schedules need to align so that everyone can attend. Secondly, the group needs to make sure that the celebrant in question doesn’t know anything about the festivities. Seems simple enough!

Unfortunately, this poor person who was planning a surprise birthday party for her mother discovered the hard way that plans don’t always go the way we hope. Let’s hope they were able to pull off the surprise with no other hitches!
It’s Fashion Darling!
Looking at fashion magazines and runways from different fashion weeks can really make a person wonder whether they really know what is fashionable, and what isn’t. Gray sweatpants are in right now, and can really add to that ‘athletic casual’ style. However, we think this might be taking it a bit far.

We’re not sure whether this was an intentional fashion choice, or someone mixing up the wrong patterns. Either way, this seems like a major fashion faux pas that people should avoid.
A Bunderful Mistake
Hot dogs are a staple at every summer BBQ. When the weather is nice and the sun is shining, however, everyone rushes to the grocery store for the perfect BBQ treats. Often, people will just have to make do with whatever they can find, but this might be a mistake.

There might have been a mistake with the labels, or the packaging itself. Either way, biting into one of these with your hot dog will almost guarantee you more bun than dog.
Bacon My Heart
It’s often hard to find exactly what you’re looking for at the grocery store without following the signs. However, in this case, it appears as though the employee doing their job took the first word in the phrase a little too literally.

Whilst this fridge is stocked with enough juice that would suit any juice lover’s wildest dreams, it does make us wonder where all of that juicy bacon might be. Either way, it might be a good idea to change the sign.
What’s the Use?
Automatic barriers are every car owner’s worst nightmare. For those of us who are shorter, it is always impossible to stop the car close enough to grab the ticket out of the machine. However, this might be taking it a step too far.

The point of automatic barriers is to make sure that the parking lots don’t become overcrowded, but anyone could easily drive around this. Whoever’s job it was to install this barrier failed big time.
Berry Shocking!
This user spotted a massive fail whenever they last visited the grocery store. Whoever’s job it was to pack these blueberries obviously didn’t look at the packaging they were putting them in!

Even though blueberries and strawberries are similar enough in name, you can tell just by glancing at them that there is a big difference between the two. We just hope no one picked up the wrong fruit for their cake recipe.
A Double Take
At first, this failure might be hard to spot. The person who made this might not have even spotted their mistake until it was too late. However, whilst the idea might have been clever, the execution didn’t work out as planned.

What makes this even worse is that it seems as though this sign is in a dessert store. Maybe if a little more care was taken, they would have realized their mistake before it hit the internet. Although, we wish that waving your stress away was just as easy as ordering dessert!
Just Add Cheese
We all know by now that the food we order at fast-food chains looks nothing like the posters or commercials. However, the employee working this day must have just been fed up with life.

When we ask for a cheeseburger, we usually expect our cheese to be inside the bun, rather than a decorative piece on the outside. This employee really did have one job and couldn’t get it right. This really brings a brand new meaning to the term, fast-food!
A Quick Escape
Fire safety is so important. Any building you go into, you should know exactly where your nearest exits are just in case of an emergency. Usually, some doors will be alarm guarded, meaning that any rattle can set off an ear-piercing alarm.

However, whoever’s job it was to make sure that all the important exits were closed obviously didn’t do it right — not to mention the fact that the door is propped open using a fire extinguisher. Maybe next time, people should take a look at the warnings before doing anything reckless.
Not a Fan
Sometimes you see something so idiotic you have to wonder whether it was intentional. That was our reaction when we first saw this image. Usually, during the summer months, the cold air in grocery stores is welcomed when it’s unbearably hot outside.

We have to ask ourselves the question — what came first? The pole or the fan? Either way, whoever installed this has made the fan obsolete. They just had one job!
In-Seine-ly Weird Gifts
Usually, on vacations, we try to stop at a few gift shops to pick up some souvenirs to bring home to friends and family. You might even be looking for a new decoration or ornament to remind you of the amazing time you had. However, whoever designed this notebook clearly does not have a grasp of Europe.

While some people might think that most cities in Europe are all the same, we’re almost positive that the Eiffel Tower isn’t a tourist hotspot in London. We hope that for their next design, the original artist managed to catch up on their geography homework!
Not in Place
Roadwork is an unavoidable pain in our everyday lives. They usually cause enough of a disturbance in our daily routine, whether it’s our commute to work or just a stroll down to the local coffee shop. It’s even more frustrating when the work isn’t even done right.

Either someone messed up by ordering the wrong kind of tile, or the workers didn’t notice they were working with a different design altogether. Definitely looks like someone was in a rush to get home and put their feet up!
This Is Nuts
We thought nutcrackers only came in the shape of those dolls normally seen around Christmas time, so we were shocked to learn there are actually smaller, and much more handy nutcrackers you can buy at the grocery store. We’re not sure how often you would use them, but they might appeal to those who like to have an after-work snack.

However, this tool must have slipped through the cracks in terms of quality. This really must have been one tough nut to crack!
A Shocking Discovery
We’re really hoping that the sockets in this sink are for decorative purposes only. While sockets in the bathroom might be useful for razors, hairdryers, and other appliances, they’re usually installed far away from the sink. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

Regardless, whoever installed the sink and sockets really screwed up. Hopefully, they’ll learn from this mistake and will have a very bright future — with as few potential fire hazards as possible.
Ice Cream Disaster
Is there any greater comfort food than ice cream? We all have our favorite flavors — chocolate, strawberry, vanilla. Some people like more exotic flavors like Rocky Road, pistachio, or even green tea! If your favorites are the first three, then a Neapolitan is the perfect choice for you.

Unfortunately, the person who bought the Neapolitan pictured here was also looking for a delicious ice cream fix, only to discover that whoever made it forgot the vanilla! Travesty!
Buzzed Off
Spelling Bees have brought about one of the greatest internet videos of all time. We all remember the Vine where a child, around the age of seven or eight, is asked to spell the word iridocyclitis. We were amazed that he pulled it off, given that we had to search how it’s spelled for this article.

However, one thing we expected Spelling Bee employees to be good at is spelling. Whoever was in charge of designing the ribbons for this particular contest really messed up this time!
Not That Useful
For everyone who lives in places that experience heavy rain, we know what you’re going through. Sometimes it’s impossible to walk down the pavement without stepping directly into a deep rain puddle, completely soaking your feet.

Storm drains are often a good way of draining the water on pavements so that we can stroll around stress-free and not spend our days drying socks over radiators. Whoever installed this particular storm drain seemed to do it in the one place that won’t actually collect any water.
What’s Happening Here?
We’ll put on the news sometimes while we’re having dinner, washing dishes, or even cleaning the house. For those of us who are hard of hearing, or are simply watching the news at a low volume, being able to read the headline box is key to understand what’s currently happening in the world.

Newsrooms can be stressful environments. With new stories breaking constantly, they’re bound to make a mistake. However, this broadcast went out before the headline could even be inserted. Talk about a fail!
All Folded Up
A degree can make a great addition to the wall. Many people like to display them in their homes to show visitors that they not only worked incredibly hard in university or college, but they now also have a certain level of sophistication.

Not only that, but people pay hundreds of thousands to earn their diploma, which is just a piece of parchment at the end of the day. The mailman must not have noticed how important this letter was and completely ignored the warning on the front of the envelope.
Out of Juice
There has been an increase in small charging ports on public transport. You are able to charge any device whilst you’re on the move — whether it be on a bus, train, or plane! However, some people underestimate how inconvenient these charging spots can be.

The above user was lucky enough to have sat beside a charging port. However, when they went to plug it in, they discovered it was placed too far to the left for their charger to fit. The person who installed this obviously did not test this out. Maybe in the future, they’ll consider USB ports that are smaller and universal to any device!
All Dressed Up
Working in retail can be incredibly frustrating sometimes. There are customers asking the same questions over and over again, and asking you to check in the backroom for a magical restock of the item they’re looking for. While no two days are the same, they can be irritating.

The above employee was obviously having one of those days. Instead of putting the mannequin’s arms through the button-down shirt, they just pulled it over the mannequin’s head and hoped no one would notice. Unfortunately for them, someone did notice.
Personalization Gone Wrong
Have you ever been scrolling on social media and found the item you were just thinking about? Sometimes, we can strike absolute gold and what we order is exactly what we get. Most times, the item is not exactly what it seems.

This user here was ordering a laundry hamper for her daughter, which came with the option to customize. Although she opted out of it, her item arrived with the default text on the side! This just goes to show you can’t always trust what you see on the internet.
Mix and Match
Pumpkins are the official fruit of fall and winter (yes, pumpkins are technically a fruit because of their seeds)! Once the cold weather hits, restaurants and coffee shops start loading up on pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice cake, and even pumpkin spice mac and cheese!

Whoever was stocking the pumpkins, however, really did not want summer to end. We’re hoping that by the time the pumpkin supply runs out, there aren’t any leftover, out-of-date watermelons lying at the bottom.
Unwrapping a Surprise
If you celebrate Christmas, then you probably spend most of the holiday gorging on mountains of chocolate. This ranges from chocolate coins to delicious hot cocoa. A staple that you’d find in most stockings is a chocolate version of Santa Clause — with a thick beard, rosy cheeks, and full belly.

However, this user opened their chocolate Santa on Christmas to discover he underwent some sort of a makeover. This really looks like one of those Instagram expectation versus reality posts. We hope this didn’t traumatize too many kids!
Batman vs. Superman
Lots of people were hyped for the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice back in 2016. Whilst the film did not necessarily meet the high expectations of fans, it did leave some people in awe. After all, two of the world’s favorite superheroes battled it out. It doesn’t get much cooler than that…

And although it’s quite easy to tell Superman and Batman apart, it appears that someone didn’t quite get the memo when it came to understanding who’s who. Despite Superman’s iconic ‘S’ logo that’s proudly displayed across his chest, the maker of this backpack thinks that this is indeed Batman. Perhaps they should take a break and watch the flick before they create any other designs!
A Medal Achievement
Getting a medal in school is one of the best days in a kid’s life. It shows off just how hard you’ve worked, and can make kids feel as though all of their efforts have paid off. However, someone as young as six could recognize the problems with these medals.

It seems as though whoever had this job did not double-check the name of the awards in question. Is this a first-place medal? Is it a third-place medal? From the picture, it’s hard to tell what color these medals are. They might as well be given out as participation medals.
Hakuna Matata
The Lion King is one of Disney’s most successful films. The original version, released in 1994, made $965 million in the box office. The 2019 live animation version, which features the voices of Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) and Beyoncé, made over $1 billion.

Despite being so successful, it seems that the merchandise is not always up to par. We’re trying to figure out whether these young cubs could be Nala or Simba. Regardless, the cub on the right seems to have had too many witchetty grubs!
Wanted: A New Sign
When learning to drive, it is important to keep your eyes on the road and obey every sign you see. Failure to do so could end with you hurting yourself or others. However, it’s also important for those who design these signs to get their message across as clearly as possible.

We’ve often misspelled words when working against the clock, but surely the person who was responsible for this figured out their mistake before it was finished? Maybe writing a four-letter word really is a two-man job.
Knife to Meet You
Although plastic cutlery isn’t the best thing for the environment, no one can understate their handiness. Instead of having to wash up a ton of forks, knives, and spoons, plastic ones can be thrown out after use. They’re also children-friendly, meaning that if you’re hosting any birthday parties soon, they’re a party staple!

However, it might be good to know that people are picking up the right utensils in the first place. This user grabbed a bag of spoons, only to discover that it was actually an assortment of knives instead. We hope there haven’t been too many people that fell for this one.
And the Oscar Goes To…
Did you know that after the winners are announced at the Academy Awards, they’re able to get their Oscars engraved backstage at a special booth? Getting your name engraved into an award solidifies that it’s officially yours! However, this user did not want that.

Instead, when they requested not to have any engraving, they ended up with something completely unexpected. Within the customization box, the user must have written, “I do not want any engraving. Just leave the metal plate blank. No engraving,” and it was automatically processed. If only someone had proofed this before!
Deck the Halls
Andy Williams came out with his iconic Christmas song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” back in 1963. To this day, it has remained a staple on any party playlist. It can also make a seasonally appropriate decoration for any home or business.

This shopper was getting more than what they bargained for when they went on the hunt for new decorations. Instead of the actual song lyrics, this decoration says, “It’s the most time of time of the year.” It might be time to call quality control and find out who couldn’t get this right.
Enter or Exit
One way systems in stores should be easy. There are usually signs on the doors telling you which door you enter from and which door you exit through. Sometimes, there are even employees to help you out if it gets too confusing. As you can see here, this user didn’t have much clarity in terms of where to enter when she arrived at Target.

Why have a ‘Do Not Enter’ sticker right above the one that says ‘Enter Only?’ Whoever was in charge of this mishap obviously did not think this through. They’ll probably end up with fewer customers than before by forcing them away like this!
An Unlucky Number
People have long said that the number 13 is unlucky. Many commercial airlines don’t have a 13th row in their jets due to people’s superstitions. Celebrities such as Taylor Swift have tried to reclaim the number 13 as lucky, however, often making many references to it in her songs.

When this user tried to reclaim the number for themselves, they ran into a bit of bad luck. While the number 13 is written out at the top of the shirt, the number displayed unfortunately doesn’t match.
Breakfast With No One
Oftentimes, hotels and motels have a generous lobby area where customers can sit and relax while their room is being prepared by staff. However, when this user tried to find somewhere to rest their legs, they were shocked to see the seating area available.

The design of this hotel offers a random ledge just above the reception area, but the problem is that no one can use the seats available! We’re not sure whether the architects of this building are to blame for an area no one can access, or if the hotel owners are. Maybe a bit of remodeling can make this an area of attraction — or put up some sort of railing, at least!
A Park With a View
Park benches are multifaceted. Not only can they be great places to sit and meet with friends, but can even become an impromptu picnic table if needed! However, in this case, some TLC may be needed in order for people to make use of it.

With the bench almost being engulfed by the hedge in front of it, much of its functionality has been lost. Plus, anyone who attempts to sit there could be attacked by insects. Perhaps the bench was installed incorrectly or that hedge is completely overgrown. Either way, whoever chose for the bench to be here made a mistake.
Unfortunate Placement
Kids are looking for any excuse to get out of going to school, or doing their homework. So, what happens if there is a sign literally telling them to give up?

This is just an unfortunate advertisement placement on a school bus, but it does make us wonder how many people have seen this and thought there was nothing wrong with it? As funny as it is, it’s important that children stay in school and realize their potential.
Stairway to Nowhere
Getting work done on your home can be quite costly. Therefore, it’s important to do your research by getting quotes from businesses and looking at reviews. Sometimes cheap doesn’t always equal the best.

This poor user was, unfortunately, victim to thinking about quantity over quality. It appears that the workers accidentally built the staircase in a way that the stairs lead right into the railings. With that, it’s safe to say that getting up and down these stairs each day may require some athletic ability. Let’s hope it was fixed after they realized their mistake!
No More Privacy
Speaking of home renovations, the work done inside of the house is almost as important, if not more important, than the work done outside. It’s crucial that workmen pay attention when it comes to taking measurements and using the right equipment.

This seems to be one job that just slightly missed the mark, creating a doorframe that’s much bigger than the door in question. We hope that this door doesn’t lead to the bathroom, otherwise, it would be a privacy nightmare!
Break Me Off a Piece of That…
Listen, we’re not hating on chocolate or anything. In fact, we can’t get enough of it. Still, this poor Snapchat user unwrapped his Kit Kat, expecting to find a chocolate-covered wafer bar.

Instead, though, he just ended up with a plain chocolate bar — no wafer to be found. And while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, we think it’s safe to say that the factory the candy came from made a big mistake.
Wear Helmet
We wonder if this guy even notices the irony that is literally radiating off of him. If he’s going to wear a t-shirt like that, shouldn’t he at least follow his own advice? Perhaps, he just likes to live life on the edge.

Still, then, he shouldn’t be preaching his advice to other people. After all, no one will take it seriously if they see him riding his motorcycle completely helmet-less.
What Do I Do?!
If you’re someone who really cares about the environment and what goes into it, there’s a good chance that this bin would just stress you out. After all, you obviously don’t want to throw your bottle into the wrong section of the bin, but how are you supposed to decipher this kind of color-coding system?

Imagine standing there in front of the bin for 10 minutes, trying to figure out what section to throw your trash into, only to find out that it all ends up in one single container. Now, that’s what we call a plot twist.
Thanks, Cameraman
We don’t know about you guys but this one gave us a good laugh. These two men specifically asked the cameraman not to film them, as their wives thought they were at work, but their request clearly wasn’t taken into consideration.

Instead, the dude behind the camera decided to throw these fellas under the bus, which is pretty messed up. What ever happened to bro code? Let’s just hope their wives didn’t banish them to the couch.
Wait a Second…
Clearly, this company doesn’t really believe in their mission statement or product. Then again, they do slide in a way — just at 90° angles.

Whatever the reason behind this mishap, whether it was a genuine mistake or a slight overlook, we can only hope that they give their customers exactly what they advertise. Just don’t be surprised if the sliding doors that they installed in your house don’t move as you’d expect.
Mistakes Are Proof You Are Trash
We’re not sure whether the location of this trash can was ironically poor placement or if the librarian did this on purpose. Whatever the case may be, this life “sign” of sorts may be a little harsh, but it certainly gave us a good chuckle.

Let’s just hope that no small children have seen it, as they’re quite impressionable — and being called trash at such a young age could be quite traumatizing.
When Teachers Make Online Quizzes
Ugh, we’re just so tired of society categorizing and labeling us. And clearly, Alan is, too. Of course, we’re only kidding. In all seriousness, though, this would be quite annoying to encounter when you’re only trying to take an online quiz.

We respect that teachers and professors have adopted these new forms of technology in recent days, but if they’re going to do that, they should probably learn how to use it correctly.
Mmmm, Tasty?
Well, this would be pretty surprising to find upon opening your box of pizza. And while it’s not necessarily the most desired pizza topping — as there is a whole assortment of other toppings like pepperoni, mushrooms, or pineapple (for those daredevils) — at least these people now have an extra pizza wheel/cutter for their kitchen.

Who knows? Maybe it’s their first, and they got it for free! There’s really nothing better than that…
A Cry for Help
Buckle up because it’s about to be a bumpy ride. At least, that’s what we’d think to ourselves if we encountered this type of situation. Don’t get us wrong — the intentions behind this sign were all only good.

Considering that there’s no button, though, well… it doesn’t seem like the best idea to even enter the building. If we saw this, we’d be running the other way while crying for help.
Oh, the Irony
Unless this office supply store stocked up on invisible ink, we think it’s safe to say that the employees who put this sign up are a bunch of hypocrites. If we saw this sign ourselves, there’s no doubt that we’d call the whole shop out.

We can only hope that this photo was taken seconds before restocking the shelves with actual ink cartridges. Otherwise, this is just an awful form of advertising.
Someone Hates Kids
Parks can be great sources of entertainment for the little ones. While they play, you can have a moment’s rest on the nearest bench and watch them have fun. However, this bench is awfully close to the slide. With that being said, kids should be careful about sliding down too quickly if they’d like to avoid a trip to the emergency room.

Whoever thought of putting a bench so close to the end of the slide clearly wasn’t thinking straight. If it was across the pavement, though, it might have worked better!
Let That Sink In
More than ever, making sure that we have good hand hygiene is so important. Although this might be gross to hear, a study found that only one in five adults wash their hands after going to the bathroom. This might make you think twice about buying that sanitizer!

Whilst this person is trying to practice good hand hygiene, whoever installed these taps made them too close to the sink itself. This means that people won’t be able to get enough water to wash their hands. Hopefully, they were able to find another tap that worked.
A Mystery Portal
Falling into an open manhole feels like something straight out of a cartoon. Although it’s unlikely to happen, putting the open manhole right outside your front door might just increase the odds.

This might look like a Minecraft portal to The Nether, but we can assure you that it’s not. Hopefully, the person wasn’t home at the time this manhole was left uncovered as that could be a nasty fall into the unknown.
Elevators can be scary. A lot of people share the same nightmare and phobia of being stuck inside an elevator just as it breaks down. There can be signs within the elevator that make it feel trustworthy, such as the sounds it makes and how the buttons look.

However, in this particular elevator, there was obviously a lack of care taken when the buttons were installed. It could just be that the button has rotated itself around, but we know we wouldn’t want to be getting into an elevator that didn’t know the difference between up and down.
Something’s Not Right
Finally, we’ve all experienced that embarrassing moment when you approach a door and don’t really know if it’s a push or pull. Even if it has no signage, we’ve all looked inadvertently at a push or pull sign and done the exact opposite of what it tells us to do.

While someone has made handy diagrams to help, there has obviously been a mistake added somewhere along the line. This will only add to the confusion, and we’ll all be at step one again desperately pushing on a pull door.
These Las Vegas Visitors Enjoyed Their Vacation Just A Bit Too Much
Whether it is for a bachelor party or a wild weekend away from home, there is no place like Las Vegas to let loose and create memories you will desperately want to forget. Unfortunately for the individuals in the article, we captured those exact shameless moments.
Trash The Dress
This woman was feeling so ecstatic towards her wedding during her bachelorette party in Las Vegas that she decided she could not wait until it was time to put her wedding gown on. Therefore, she went back up to her suite and changed into the dress – a reckless act she should have reconsidered since there was a high probability that she would spill something over her very expensive dress and ruin it completely. Her bridesmaids should have talked her out of it, but evidently didn’t.

Careful, It’s HOT
If you have traveled to the capital of casinos and not stopped for an unhealthy snack at the Heart Attack Grill, have you really been to Vegas? The hamburger joint might sound familiar from its previous positioning in Tempe, Arizona, but if any place were to serve enormous portions of fried food and meat and take pride in “fighting anorexia since 2010,” it should be situated in Vegas. The waitresses are dressed as nurses and take orders (“prescriptions”) from the “patients”, who are customers wearing a hospital gown and wristband.

Love Hurts
Things can get wild on a night out in Las Vegas, but that does not mean you cannot have a good time with your romantic partner. In fact, some who visited Sin City with their spouses admitted to genuinely having a better time than when they were hormonal singles out on the prowl for some action. The adorable couple seen in the picture below wanted to paint the town red and did so in the funniest way, wearing pillow covers with hilarious messages on them for all to read.

Permanent Reminder
This girl had one too many drinks at her friend’s bachelorette party in Las Vegas and thought it would be a great idea to write how much she was enjoying the vacation on her body. Her friends dared her to get a real tattoo that would last a lifetime, but she was hesitant about the pain it would cause her, so instead, she went with the next best thing and had one of the girls write “I love Vegas” on her bare back with a permanent marker.

Tiring Game
Another sleepy head in the mix is this girl, who was still jet-lagged from her flight from the far east but desperately wanted to participate in a game of poker before her family made their way to the casino on the next flight over. Since her parents were not big fans of the gambling game, she thought it would be best to play a few rounds before they arrived – but ended up snoozing in her seat after only the second round.

Brolove Captured
The guy in the green was taken by his friends on a fun weekend trip to Las Vegas to get his mind off a recent painful break up he had a hard time bouncing back from. It seems the trip helped him feel much better and everyone was in good spirits until they reached this beautiful spot out looking the entire city. The guy lay down on the floor and curled into a ball – but his friends quickly joined in and spooned him to comfort him.

Jackpot Joke
Slot machines are tricky – you can sit at one and win the jackpot after putting in only a few coins, or you can land on one that has recently been emptied and therefore takes away all your money and leaves you completely broke. It is hard not to become addicted to these machines too for this exact risk, which is why the guy in the picture can be seen expressing his anger towards his bad luck and the machine that’s put him in a great deal of financial trouble.

It’s A Sign
In case you are having trouble reading the sign, it says – “attention: smoking and drinking, along with laughing, yelling, singing, screaming, running, jumping” and other lewd acts are permitted while riding this specific taxi. The word of so-called caution then ends its message with a warm welcome to Vegas, making those riding in the back seat of this taxi understand that the rumors were true – there really is no other place like Vegas, and there is a reason it’s called Sin City.

A Drinking Problem
Alcohol may be cheaper than therapy, but it is definitely not the answer, unlike what this sign by a place called Lee’s Discount Liquor suggests. It is safe to say that a lot of people turn to booze in order to literally drink away their sorrows, but this is just a temporary solution that would most likely result in a lot of regret and a bad hangover the next day. Instead, therapy can help with the deep psychological issues buried inside.

Home Is Where The Slot Is
Ralph was a Vegas fanatic – in fact, all his friends knew that no matter when or what the reason behind it would be, he would be the first one to jump up and down with excitement and plan the trip to the desert capital. Some may argue that Ralph was feeling a little too comfortable, however, since one time he went up to his hotel room, grabbed his mattress, dragged it to the casino, took off his clothes and went to sleep.

Interesting Choice
Sin City’s reputation precedes it, and for an accurate reason. Some may argue they love Vegas for its positive vibes and careless attitude, but the truth is that it seems there are no limits in the official party capital of America. Some romantic partners engage in arguments on where the line should be drawn when taking a trip to Vegas, but this supportive girlfriend certainly was open-minded when her boyfriend decided he wanted a hat balloon featuring an exotic dancer.

Red Light
Street performers are a common sight around the strip in Vegas, and when it comes to adorable furry creatures, women are the first ones in line for the show. This monkey, however, was getting a little too handsy with the redhead.

Dedication Is Key
It has become a certain cliche over time, throwing a bachelorette party in Vegas, and it seems the locals have had enough. They say that if you can’t fight them, join them, and that is exactly what this man decided to do. He put on the skimpiest dress he could find, adorned his outfit with a sash and wrote the word “tips!” on his fan. Could he have taken the role slightly too far? Perhaps, but it can also be argued that the man is dedicated to his art.

It Felt Like A Dream
Nothing says “we had a wild night out on the town” like a group of fully grown men falling asleep in the middle of a Starbucks. By the looks of their drooling faces, we are going to guess things got a little bit out of control, and no one shut an eye for the entire night. As long as they all had a good time and do not miss their flight back home, we are all for partying it up – that’s what Vegas is for!

Don’t Drink And Tat
Getting a tattoo was on Joey’s bucket list, but it seems that whenever he got the courage to actually go through with it, he was ridiculously tipsy. When he arrived in Vegas with his friends, the latter understood the only way they could make him go through with it was by pouring more vodka into his shot glass. By the time he hit the number four, Joey was ready to walk into the nearest tattoo parlor with a napkin consisting of a scribble with the wrong lyrics of his favorite song.

No Judgement
Talk about smart advertising! Although the idea behind putting the poster of these girls judging the manhood of the males using the urinals escapes us, this could potentially bring in a lot of men to use the restroom – if not to pee, then to take a hilarious picture. This Vegas bathroom has been seen in many pictures around the web, so their hopes became a reality. We aren’t sure which men would like to use the urinals with the size mocking females, however.

Bubble Burst
Disney stars and key characters can be spotted all around the strip in Las Vegas, but it is a rare sight to see them in such a state, like the one Minnie Mouse is in. We just hope no children observed this sad sight since it could burst many bubbles, and perhaps even ruin their childhood altogether. Can you imagine being a parent trying to explain to their child why Mini Mouse is seen grasping a beer bottle in the middle of the street?

Forgive And Forget
They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, which is mostly due to the fact that what happens in Sin City is most likely shenanigans you would not want out in the open – or even to remember yourself. It is a good thing there are churches, just like the Baptist one run by Pastor Allen F. Harrod that are more accepting of mistakes of the past. By putting up a sign like this, they state that while sinning is bad, it can be forgiven.

For Better Or Worse
If this guy may seem familiar, it is because he was featured in this article when he was dressed up as a bachelorette while cruising down the strip of Las Vegas. It seems that getting tips while looking like a lady on her last night being single did not do him any favors, nor did it land him plenty of tips, so he decided a newlywed bride would suit his figure better and win him the jackpot.

Sleep Tight
This woman had to go to the bathroom so bad that she waited outside the stall while sitting down on the carpet floor. Unfortunately for her, fatigue quickly came over the need to urinate, so she dozed off to a deep sleep right there on the floor. Her friends quickly came to her rescue and woke her up, but not before taking a picture of this hilarious moment in order to remind her to never go to the bathroom tired again.

Can’t Resist It
It’s a well-known fact in Vegas that those who are usually drawn to slot machines are the elderly. This poor guy was exhausted after playing for 8 hours straight, so he took a little nap. These girls could not resist and took a picture with him.

Better Safe Than Sorry
Sexually transmitted diseases are not a laughing matter, but it is hard to look at this sign and not let as much as a smile creep on our faces. This witty sign is both an alarming threat and a friendly reminder that some things do not stay in Vegas, no matter how much we want them to remain there along with other less than kind memories. It is important to get checked up occasionally for STDs, no matter how embarrassing it might be.

Court Knee
Josh showed up late to work yet again, even though his boss has warned him time after time that it would be the last time. His boss decided she had enough with his tardiness so she told him today would be his last day as a barista at Starbucks. Annoyed with the fact he was terminated and still a little bit tipsy from the night before, Josh decided he would do whatever he wants on his last day, including writing the name Courtney in a completely creative way.

I’m Going To Level With You
The term planking means the act of mimicking a wooden plank. Planking can consist of one lying flat on a surface, or maintain the body level while it’s supported in only some areas, having other parts of the body suspended. This grandmother was so psyched about her slot machine winnings that she had to celebrate somehow. For an unknown reason, planking on top of the machine is the first thing that came to her mind, so she just went along with it.

‘Till Annulment Do Us Part
It is common for couples to have their bachelor or bachelorette parties in Vegas, but also for them to elope in the very same city. There is just something about the free-spirited and easy going nature of the place that makes people act rather recklessly, such as running away to a distant place and tying the knot. In the best possible case scenario, you end up marrying someone you were already engaged to. In the worst, you find yourself dressed as Elvis alongside a stranger in a Marilyn Monroe costume.

Super Vegas
This might sound the beginning of a joke, but there is probably only one place on Earth where The Joker, Batman, and Bane will ever sit down casually for a meal – and that place is Las Vegas, Nevada – the place where nothing can be expected and everything will feel blurred. While we realize we are talking about fictional characters, it seems unlikely one would find a superhero sitting down with a couple of villains without a care in the world.

Mushroom Kingdom, Nevada
Looks like Luigi failed in his role as Mario’s sidekick since it is the red-hat character who seems to be caring for his protector, and not the other way around. Maybe Mario was fed up with feeling as though he was a short, pudgy man who was recognized for being an Italian plumber who resides in the Mushroom Kingdom, and it was this depressing thought that made him drink away his sorrows. We just hope that before things got too out of hand Princess Peach was rescued.

One Night Stand
This man was invited to join a Las Vegas bachelor party trip, and he beyond excited. His younger brother was the lucky groom getting married, and had advised his older brother to bring along a fitting costume seeing as how they would most likely attend a dress-up party. The man in the picture planned his costume in great detail two months in advance. Since he had been married for three decades, he had no idea what a Vegas costume party meant – hence, this is what he wore.

It’s A Zoo Out There
45-year-old Rebecca Lemon collects spare change from the crowd passing her by on the footbridge near The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. Having been homeless for quite some time, she admitted to Las Vegas Review-Journal that this little stunt of having her cat Cheddar peer over his black sunglasses at tourists who are keen to snap photos lands her about $200 on a good day. However, animal rights activists reported on this and many other incidents as animal cruelty, and since then the use of animals for personal profit has been outlawed.

Hair Of The Dog
This guy has never been to Las Vegas before, so when his girlfriend suggested they would make the trip, he decided to go all out there. For months he grew his hair, and when the long-awaited day finally arrived, he decided to chop off the sides and turn his long locks into an enormous mohawk canvas. He then went over to a graffiti artist and asked that his hair would be colored in a distinguished way. Needless to say, his hair looked anything but ordinary.

Bridging The Gap
Granny got to flaunt her wild side as she was taken on an exciting journey to Las Vegas with her bridge partners from back home. Her girlfriends, who she called her hens, were ecstatic to see their beloved friend finally break out of her shell – even if it meant putting a few drinks in her first. They took her to this restaurant and the waiter placed a paper hat on her head with the message of her choosing, which was “I went to the prom with Jesus.”

Dream Come True
Courtney met her now husband at a Britney Spears concert, but never thought she would say “yes” to him while standing right next to her idol and the phenomenal singer who brought the two of them together. “Courtney started to shake and cry and smile etc. She stuck her hand out but kept looking at Britney then back at the ring. Britney then the ring. Finally I asked again ‘so what do you think?? Want me to put it on you or what!?'” Of course, Courtney said “yes!”

Food Flunk
This poor girl wanted to have a calm night at home, but her friends convinced her otherwise. Since she lived in Vegas, the whole party deal did not appeal to her, but having just gotten out of a horrible relationship, she wanted to get her mind off recent events. She partied hard all night long and when she finally got home, she decided drowning her boozy blood stream in fast food would be ideal. Unfortunately, she fell asleep as soon as the food arrived.

Play The Part
Having just recently moved to Las Vegas, this girl thought Halloween meant dressing up as your favorite Vegas reference. Since she was always big on the games found in casinos – in fact, this was what drew her to move to the city in the middle of the desert to begin with – she thought dressing-up as one would be the ideal costume. Even after she had arrived at the party and noticed she was the only one who went through such trouble for the costume, she was all smiles.

Slippery Hands
Cleveland Cavaliers’ Timofey Mozgov celebrated his team’s big win at the nightclub XS Las Vegas, where the team was welcomed with an enormous billboard and a screaming crowd. Mozgov wanted to make his fans happy and grabbed one of the girl’s phone to take a selfie, but rumor has it he dropped the phone seconds after this shot was taken, smashing the screen into little pieces. The basketball player was so drunk, he didn’t take notice of this and didn’t even apologize for his slippery hands.

Not Impressed
When it comes to official business-related events, there is a certain code of behavior. While the vibes are more free-spirited than the ones found in the office, it is still a professional environment and people are expected to act in a polite and appropriate manner. The girl in the picture below failed to do so, and just by looking at the faces of the women around you, it is easy to understand that this loose behavior was not appropriate, even if the company was on a Vegas trip.

Ugly Ducklings
Pulling a kissy face at the camera, also known as a duck face, is a phenomenon that has completely taken over since social media has spread worldwide. Facebook entered cyberspace and took over lives in a sense that it demanded everything would be documented. Since many women wanted to look their best when posting pictures online, they made sure to make a smooching face, as it was to meant to make their faces seem slimmer and mouthes more appealing. This bunch, however, had too many drinks to pull it off.

Grab The Bull By The Horns
If you ever have a wild weekend out in the party capital of the world, why not head down to one of the many grill houses available with a mechanic bull and give it a go? The girl in the picture below might not make it look especially fun, but once trying it out, mechanic bull riding can actually be a lot of fun. We just hope the girl in the picture did not get hurt, since that would be one bad fall.

Burst His Bubble
The boy in the picture might look like he is too young to drink, but he is actually celebrating his 21st birthday in this picture. He made the trip to Las Vegas with two of his best friends, one of which took this shot. He thought it might be a fun thing to do, send a picture of himself in an overflown jacuzzi to his crush, but turns out the idea was much more appealing than the actual outcome, since the girl texted him back laughing emoticons.

Pole Party
Now here is a perfect example of an office party that has gone way, way too wild. While everyone on this party bus seems to be enjoying themselves greatly, there is one person in particular that is having the time of his life. The different expressions around the bus say it all. This picture looks like it was taken straight out of a Hollywood film and the next shot would be the much regretted, hangover-filled morning after. One thing is for sure – these guys know how to party!

Lucky Charm
Ever since the film The Hangover came out, it is impossible to mention a bachelor party in the city of sin without bringing up the movie. The epic scenes made countless viewers roar with laughter and identify all too well with the most shocking, obscene and hilarious scenes. One of the four main characters, Alan, who is played by the talented actor Zach Galifianakis, was one the funnier characters written in the script, and this guy seen in the picture below was lucky enough to look just like him.

Gambling Away His Freedom
Chewbacca may have been Han Solo’s co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon as well as a legendary Wookiee warrior, but according to the proof in the form of the picture below, it would seem the creature is a heavy gambler as well. We guess this should not come as news to us, seeing as how Chewbacca was part of a core group of Rebels in Star Wars and it was him who restored freedom to the galaxy, making him a liberal.

Characters Capital Vegas
In case it was not clear from his somewhat shocked expression in this photo, the guy in the glasses could not feel more out of place at this particular moment. This was his very first trip to Las Vegas, and although he was warned in advance that he might come across peculiar characters, there was no preparing him for the moment he would meet this fully grown, muscly man rocking a fuschia feather boa, heavily padded bra and tiny disco balls necklace.

Cupid’s Cabin
For those who have absolutely no game, or want to get their expectations of the night out in the open from the get-go, this cheesy hotel room is perfect for them. The heart-shaped water bed is dimly lit with the changing room lights as if to set a romantic atmosphere, which gets a sensual twist once noticing there are mirrors all over this room – including the ceiling. Cupids painted on the walls suggest love is in this air, but it seems this room fits one night stands better.

A Dare Is A Dare
After partying like there is no tomorrow for three days straight, this guy had just about had it with putting anything in his body that was not edible. After all, something needed to absorb all those tequila shots – and it best be something deep fried and covered with cheese. Once the guy arrived at the counter, his friends started yelling out that he should plank on top of it as a final act before completely swearing off alcohol. He was quick to oblige.

Hair Of The Dog
No trip to the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas would be complete without a fancy sail down the Grand Canal in a gondola – and this little munchkin puppy could not agree more. Dressed in a fully suiting straw hat and striped shirt, the pup must probably think to himself that he has no idea what he has done to deserve this, but his owner is probably too hungover from the night before to care that this makes her dog uneasy.

Doze Off Before Take Off
Like many before them, these tourists went all out on their trip to Las Vegas, making sure they spent every moment they could indulging their desires. And just like so many others, it all caught up to them on their way out. McCarran International Airport is unlike any other airport around the world because of the people who go through it every day. Nowhere else can you find so many different people from all walks of life in the same sad, sorry state.

Science Fiction Double Feature
The classiest people in Las Vegas are there for their own wedding, just ask the people who live there. And if you’re going to go for a themed wedding, what could possibly be classier than The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Sure, you can go for the whole Elvis theme, but that’s been done so many times that it’s become too cliché. Who better to officiate your wedding than Dr. Frank N. Furter alongside his creation, Rocky Horror?

The Farce Is Strong With These Ones
Whereas weddings in other parts of the world take months of planning before a seriously solemn big day, Sin City offers lighthearted couples looking to tie the knot much more fun. This happy couple decided to take their love for the original Star Wars trilogy to the next level and started the next stage of their lives together as Yoda and Darth Vader. Although sworn enemies in a galaxy far, far away, whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

Lasagna, The Gateway Substance
Garfield started off as your average housecat, just like any you might know. He was warned in school about the slippery slope that one risks going down, even after trying just a little slice of lasagna. Garfield didn’t listen, though, figuring that just one bite couldn’t do anyone any harm. And just like that, he was hooked. He couldn’t get enough of that cheesy goodness. Now he’s hit rock bottom, living as a street cat. Remember, kids: just say no.

Liar Liar, Pants On Fire
Looks like things got a little out of hand the night before – how else would this girl explain having underwear stuck to her hoodie? She might claim that this was the dryer’s doing, but considering the fact she is in the party capital of the world, we seriously doubt anyone would have believed this tale. Even the Starbucks barista standing in front of her does not look too impressed – maybe the girl in the purple hoodie turned around and gave her a sneak peek of her shenanigans, too.

Drop It Like It’s Cold
When a police officer yells at you with a command, you should most likely do as they say – unless you want to end up in a jail cell for the rest of your night. This guy was waiting for his trip away from his wife and kids for so long, he couldn’t wait to grab a cold beer and chug it right there in the middle of the street. A nearby policeman spotted the man and yelled at him to stop drinking – but to no avail.

Fear Works Wonders
What if what you did in Vegas did not stay in Vegas? The guy seen coming out of the steamy shower only recently had come back from his trip to the city of sin, and he had repeartedly asserted to his fiance that nothing shady had happened while he was away. The truth was very different than what he had claimed, so she decided to get the truth out of him the only way she knew would definitely work – she would scare the living hell out of him.

Feeling Blue
The woman wearing a blue sequin dress, blue cutoff gloves, blue stockings, and blue socks as an entire color coordinated outfit might look like she came straight out of a bizarre alien movie at first, but the truth is she is simply a deeply invested, huge fan of the band the Blue Man Group. She has followed their every move and has seen nearly every show in the united states, which was why she went through the extra effort and even put a blue flower in her hair.

Going Green Is Not Always A Good Decision
When a sign reads no smoking, it is understandable why some might presume the rule only applies to smoking cigarettes, and not substances that are illegal. However, since some things have been legalized in the past few years around the different states in America, this Las Vegas hotel rationalized that they should not assume all hotel guests will understand they mean smoking, in general, is not allowed, so instead, they put up this rather specific sign to avoid unpleasant situations.