In a Time of Need
Having a loved one in the hospital is hard to deal with, especially when you don’t know whether they’ll be ok. Having a child in the hospital is one of the hardest things a new parent can go through. When this set of new parents faced this exact nightmare, this person learned another hard fact: they needed to divorce their husband. While they spent time worrying about their daughter, their husband took the time to go golfing.

The Bill’s Too High
There are a few things that are immediately concerning to a spouse. One of the chief examples among them is a shared phone bill that’s inexplicably high. This person was more than a little confused when they received a phone bill with thousands of text messages exchanged between their husband, who previously didn’t express an interest in texting, and a young woman. In that instance, they knew things were over and there wasn’t a chance of redemption.

For the Kids
When one spouse makes a decision to leave another, it isn’t always that they realize it’s the best choice for their own sake. In this case, this person made the decision not only for themselves, but for their children as well. While it was hard to see his wife less and less as time went on, the final straw came when he picked his daughter up from daycare and saw the disappointment on her face that Mom was busy again.

Not a Great Thought
There are certain red flags in a relationship that can’t or, at least, shouldn’t be ignored. They denote a sinister behavioral pattern that can prove quite risky. They can be hard to see too, especially when you have strong feelings for a person. It was actually a dangerous pattern in this person’s own thinking that made them realize that things were taking an unhealthy turn and that they needed to get out. Isolation isn’t a factor in a healthy relationship.

Can’t Take It Back
There are some things that you say in the heat of the moment that you can excuse later, while others aren’t so easily taken back. Surprisingly, this person seemed to know what the results of their actions would be and even prefaced the statement to her partner with a warning before finishing. She was right, and the two were divorced not long after. Even trying to get back with them later, she wouldn’t apologize for what she said and the hurt it caused.

In Sickness and In Health
Sometimes, we don’t always realize divorce is the right option just for ourselves. Instead, we sometimes notice that the relationship we’re in serves as an unhealthy role model for watching eyes. When this person ended up in the hospital for kidney surgery, they didn’t receive an inch of extra attention for their husband. When he picked them up from the hospital, the first thing he asked was what they were making for dinner. Then, they knew that it wasn’t the model they wanted for their daughter.

In a Time of Need
There are times when life takes us by surprise and it isn’t always for the better. This is usually when we need the most support from our loved ones. Take this person for example – their father had a heart attack and they needed their spouse’s help to get through it when they didn’t know if their father would survive. Instead of offering their support in a time of need, this husband simply told them he wouldn’t be able to take any time off of work.

Listen to Your Instincts
Sometimes, a part of a couple realizes that something isn’t right before it comes to a hard decision. This can lead to a hard lesson learned and lead to heartbreak. This woman shared that she had a suspicion she was making the wrong choice when she married her husband. While she said that she did have strong feelings for him, it wasn’t quite enough to warrant a marriage. At least now, they can look back on the situation as lasting friends.

Happy Thanksgiving
There are certain things that people do that leave us scratching our heads and wondering why they bothered to do something so upsetting. In this case, that action was the red flag that led to the signing of divorce papers. While this partner was working on making a Thanksgiving dinner, even though they were in a rough patch of their marriage, they were shocked when their wife walked in and threw all their hard work away without a word.

Change for the Better
This person thought that they found the person of their dreams when they got married. Unfortunately, they later learned that their husband had some antiquated views. They stayed home with their kids for three years, and then mentioned they wanted to go back to school. That’s when this person realized that they had different views on family values. We’re glad to see that not only did they get out of a relationship that wasn’t working but followed their dreams as well!

A Backfired Plan
This spouse had an unhealthy way of telling her significant other when she was upset. Rather than a conversation, they often found themselves on the receiving end of a harsh punishment. The last time they did this, though, the plan backfired pretty severely. Instead of making them desperate for her presence when she decided to talk to them again, she only served to make them realize that they were happier when she wasn’t spending time with them.

Roommates Better Than Spouses
As we’ve seen already, a marriage is a partnership like no other. You have to be willing to work together and have a relationship that, at its core, is steeped in love and respect to find success. This person started having their doubts only six months into their marriage but stayed together in the hopes things would change. Later, they realized that they didn’t do much emotionally for one another. As a matter of fact, divorce seemed hopeful rather than heartbreaking.

More Than Getting Fit
Turning to something to help you get healthier is almost always a good thing. For some people, that’s therapy or, like in this case, an activity like yoga. More than just stretching out their muscles, though, this woman used yoga to help her find inner peace. That included taking a look at the things in her life that failed to bring her peace and wasn’t making her happy. Unfortunately, this included her marriage, which she realized she needed to end.

Lecture of the Year
Couples fight sometimes, but it doesn’t always mean that divorce is imminent. On the other hand, there are fights that make it pretty clear things are over. This fight stood out, but it didn’t have to. Forgetting to unplug an appliance is an annoyance, but, unless it’s a continual pattern, it usually isn’t an overly big deal. This situation escalated pretty quickly and made this spouse realize that divorce was the best option. We hope the kitty was okay too!

A Sad Day
Infidelity is usually a deal-breaking problem in a relationship. It leads to a lot of intense feelings, such as ones of betrayal and hurt. Yet, this person recognized that their marriage needed to end when, after learning that her husband stepped outside their marriage, she wasn’t sad at all. In fact, they said that they felt nothing, which signaled to them that the marriage was over when his cheating didn’t cause a bigger emotional reaction than it did.

Tragedy and Decision
Needing surgery is often scary. Even if the operation is relatively routine and safe, it’s hard not to picture the worst-case scenario. This person was surprised when they realized their worst-case scenario wasn’t necessarily what they thought it would be. Instead, they came to the realization that their worst fear was spending the rest of their life with someone they weren’t in love with, leading to the decision of divorce.

Just a Little Help
In a marriage, especially when you have kids, both parties need to put in some effort and contribute to household tasks that need to get. Sometimes the work is split evenly, but if one partner is busier than the other, it shouldn’t be too much to ask that the less busy partner helps out a bit more. Well, when this woman asked this reasonable task of her husband, and he completely lied for a long time about doing what he said he would, she knew the partnership was over.

A Difference in Everything
There are certain differences that spouses often overlook. After all, even if two people are incredibly similar, they aren’t likely the same in every way. However, being too different can be a problem as well. That’s exactly what this woman realized when she was assessing her and her husband’s relationship. They came from different backgrounds with different values and priorities – plus she mentions that their age gap didn’t help. In the end, they decided to part ways.

Never a Good Plan
There are some decisions that are important to a couple, such as expanding a family. These are decisions that should only be made for the right reasons, as this person learned. When their husband proposed that they fix their marital problems by having a baby, they knew that this wasn’t the right answer. Even worse, they’d been together for 10 years and the person proposing the idea of a child didn’t even have a full-time job to support the cost of a child.

“Deal with It”
There are some sacrifices that we make for the happiness of our spouse. Maybe a couple would compromise on the pet they get or not watch a certain genre of movies together. However, this husband wanted a little more than a mild compromise. In fact, he just told his spouse how things would be from now on, even if the other party was well within their rights to protest this new “agreement.” All in all, non-monogamy isn’t really something that one partner gets to dictate alone.

Growing Pains
When you marry a person, you’re planning on staying with them for a long time. This means that you’re bound to go through some serious changes with that person. To handle those changes, you have to accommodate them by growing. While this couple had their problems, it was the moment that this person brought this concept up that they knew things wouldn’t work when their husband responded that growing and changing wasn’t something that they were willing to do.

Unfortunate Wishes
When you’ve been in a relationship with someone for a long time, it can be hard to admit that the spark has died. This is particularly true when no one’s made a grave error. It wasn’t until this person voiced a thought out loud that they realized that they’d fallen out of love with their partner and that divorce was the best option. While it can be hard to have a tough conversation about where a relationship’s at, sometimes it’s for the best.

A Bad Situation and Role Model
Sometimes it isn’t what we feel that denotes how a relationship is going, but how we don’t feel as well. The outside perspective of a relationship can also mean a lot. It was a crossing of these two concepts that led this woman to seek a divorce. While she was initially upset because she realized that she didn’t harbor strong feelings for her husband anymore. She also said that she realized that it wasn’t a relationship that she wanted to model for her daughters.

A Dangerous Game
It’s becoming more and more common for people to publicly vent on social media platforms when they’re facing a crisis in life. This comes with some severe drawbacks. For instance, this person saw when their spouse complained about them on Facebook and asked for advice. Almost all of the answers that she received recommended that she bring him bodily harm. She responded to each response with laughter – not defending him one bit. That’s when he knew it was time to file for divorce.

There’s No Fixing That
When many people run into relationship roadblocks, they work through them. More and more often, couples turn to joint therapy to solve their problems. That doesn’t mean that it always works, though. This person found out that their spouse had collected a diary of things that he thought they did “wrong.” Later, they even found out that their spouse had cheated on them as well. However, when they turned to therapy, the only advice they received was to run out of the relationship.

Not Again
Couples can sometimes work through a problem, such as infidelity, against all odds, but it’s a practice of rebuilding trust to make things work. In this couple’s case, they almost made it through after one of them was caught cheating. However, when they were caught a second time with the same person even though they had promised to cut all contact with him, they knew that it was time to end things and start the process of getting a divorce.

Planning Ahead
When you’re talking to someone about spending your future together, you might not think about all that the future might hold. If you do, it’s usually with excitement or love. That wasn’t quite what happened for this couple. This person shared that they realized that they were meant to get divorced when they and their husband were talking about their retirement plans with a neighbor, and those twilight years together sounded more ominous than peaceful.

World’s Worst Vacation
Coming home from a vacation produces a lot of feelings. Usually chief among these are exhaustion, relief, and maybe even a little disappointment that the fun times are over. What most people don’t expect, though, is a feeling of betrayal. Not only did this husband fail to pick his family up from the airport, but he also failed to tell his wife that he was entertaining company at the time. Naturally, these indiscretions swiftly led to divorce.

Welcome Home
There are times when we don’t want to see our significant others, and that’s normal. After all, everyone needs time to themselves once in a while. Yet, this person found themselves in a slightly different situation. If most people hadn’t seen their spouse in a year, they’d be counting down the moments to see them again. When this person found themselves in this situation, they realized that they weren’t exactly waiting with bated breath. They even shared that having to wait for a divorce was hard.

Being Like Him
When you’re trying to envision a future with someone, it’s crucial to think ahead. After all, you are considering a long-term relationship with long-term consequences, for better or for worse. This person knew they needed to leave their ex when they envisioned starting a family with them. They realized that if they were to have a son, they wouldn’t want him to end up anything like this person. It helped them develop a useful litmus test for the future.

The Silent Treatment
Communication is a key factor in any relationship, whether you’re in a platonic relationship or a committed marriage. Without it, things tend to fall apart. This person tried their best to communicate with their husband about their concerns. They didn’t quite see the results they were hoping for, though. Instead of coming to a mutual understanding and conclusion, their husband simply ignored them and left, leading to a heartwrenching realization that things were over if they couldn’t work together.

Kids Repeat Everything
If there’s someone that you shouldn’t entrust a huge secret to, it’s probably a toddler that repeats everything they hear. For this dad, he knew his marriage was over when he kept noticing his son saying another man’s name – someone he’d never met. As it turns out, even though the dad hadn’t met this man, the son had been spending his days with him. The realization of this dynamic led to the timely end of this marriage.

On Love
As we’ve seen, sometimes the realization that divorce is the best option doesn’t come from a dramatic event. Sometimes, it’s a simple realization that two people have different views on a matter. This person left the exact reasons as to what led to their realization diplomatically vague, but the basic message is easy to understand. They both had different ideas on what love is and, at the end of the day, they couldn’t reconcile those views.

A Matter of Convenience
In a great marriage, most people can’t imagine being without their spouse because they love spending time with them and enjoy their company. That wasn’t quite what this person went through. When they thought about not having their husband around, they realized they would miss him, but only for what he did around the house, not in the sense of having him around as a person. They realized that this was a sign that the marriage was over and they needed to move on.

Not a Burden
There are certain things that spouses say in a fight that can be forgotten. Others, though, are completely unforgettable, and often unforgivable. This spouse just wanted to spend time as a family, when her husband said a few words that sealed the fate of their marriage. After all, how do you come back from a comment like that? It definitely gave this person the sign they needed to finally file for divorce.